Chapter 55

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The television that we had gotten from Nana's house started going out. I think it went out because of all the roaches crawling over the wires. Matt and Chloe were not home at the time. It was just Max and I along with Momma. 

"I want it!" Max claimed. Momma shrugged her shoulders. 

"I don't care. You want it you can have it," Momma said. A smile spread across Max's face. 

"Ray help me," he said moving to the side of the television. I sighed.

"Why do you want this thing?" I asked.

"Don't you want to know what inside?" His enthusiasm clearly visible. Now that I think about it, what does the inside of a TV look like? I move next to Max and help him push it to his room.  

Max waste no time taking it apart. He cleaned out all the wires and all that other electrical crap. The screen was now removable. Max and I had fun playing with it. We took turns going in and out of the TV. He even put the screen back on and shut we in.

Momma came back to his room.

"You could probably use it as a closet or something like that," she suggest leaning against the door frame.

"That's a good idea," I placed the screen in the corner. 

The front door opens. Momma moves her head to see who it is, but we already know. I can tell by the heavy footsteps. I would know those footsteps anywhere. 

"What are yall laughing at?" Matt asks making his way in to Max's room. He looks at the TV then back at us. Anger flashes across his eyes. My breath catches in my chest. 

"Why the ____ you playin with that trash!" he yells

"Leave him alone Matt he's just havin fun," Momma pleads.

Matt wasn't having it. He grabs the TV and throws it out of Max's room. He rolls it out of the house and throws it off the porch. He hauls it to the back yard and throws it on the burn pile. 

He came back inside satisfied with himself. He had just taken away some joy that my brother had. It's sad that he took satisfaction in hurting a fourteen year old boy.

A few days later, Matt poured gas on the television and burned it. Up until then, I had hope that he would have given it back to us but he never did. Matt merely became even more satisfied with himself because he had burned everything that made us happy, even if it was something as simple as a broken television. He had to take that joy away from us.

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