Chapter 29

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When I was still living with Daddy, my mother's adopted mom, Nana was getting progressively worse. While Nana was on her death bed, Matt made Momma go pay for his speeding tickets. While Momma was gone, Nana passed away. Nana died all alone.

Nana had ovarian cancer. She had been fighting it for four years. A couple of years before she died Papa had his third stroke. Papa died but at least he didn't die alone like Nana did. Thank God in Heaven for that. Matt wasn't around for that. What he did was unforgivable.

How can somebody be so self-centered that they force somebody to pay their speeding ticket while that person's mother is in hospice on their deathbed? That person could die at any minute. Why would you make them go do something for you?

After Nana died and we had her funeral, we went through what she left us. Nana had about eleven, one thousand dollar rings that she left to us. Me and my family went through them and each picked out one. Momma got Nana's wedding ring. I got a golden one with a purple stone in it. It was absolutely beautiful.

Momma told me that she was going to hold onto it for me. She said that I wasn't responsible enough now. I never got it back. The ones that Momma got her hands on were pawned. Those rings were worth thousands of dollars. At the pawn shop maybe it was worth two hundred dollars.

Matt had the money to buy them back but he didn't. He thought that it was funny. It wasn't funny. The only inheritance that anyone had left me was pawned. Momma even pawned Nana's wedding ring. Nana and Papa both would have rolled over in their graves.

Sadly, that woman never seemed to care about it. She never had any regrets. She couldn't care less. As long as she had the money in her pocket that she could snort away she was happy.

The cost of the drugs didn't matter. It didn't matter who she had to hurt to get what she wanted. Sadly, if Matt had not come along I don't believe that she would not have ended up the way she is now.

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