Chapter 38

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Max and I got off the school bus and made our way to the house. To my surprise, Matt is not there. I am not one to complain though. If he isn't here who am I to look for him. 

All I want to do is lay down on my bed and take a long nap. I make my way down the hallway to my room. I make it to the door and am about to walk in when Momma calls my name. I close my eyes and sigh. What does she want now? What do I have to clean now? What have I done now? 

"Raven," Momma calls again. "Come here."

"I'm comin' Momma," I call back. I throw my book bag into my room and lean my head against the door. I just want to smash my head repeatedly into it instead I slowly turn around and walk into Momma and Matt's room. I take my time. I don't want to talk to Momma.

When I enter the room, I immediately stop in my tracks. Momma has notes and pages all spread out across her bed. My notes. My pages. She had gone into my room and gone through my things. She had found the story that a friend and I had started writing school. She had also found a couple of notes that I wrote.

"Do you hate me?" Momma asks. 

"What?" I step back and shake my head. "No, Momma. Why would I hate you?"

"Then what is this Raven! What is this trash!" She grabs the pages and throws them at me.

"Momma stop!" 

"You want to kill Matt!?" Momma gets off the bed and moves towards me. "What kind of drugs are you on Ray!"

"I'm not on drugs," I shot back. How dare she? I don't know how she came to the conclusion I am on drugs. That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. If she wants to see an addict, she should take a a good long look in the mirror or take a gander at her husband.

"Are you having sex?" Momma moves closer to me. I take another step back. "You whore!" Momma doesn't even give me a chance to say no, but I was too stunned by her question to even answer. 

She called me a whore. Me? A whore? I cannot believe that she said that about me. In fact, I have never been to a guy's house or anybody's house for that matter. I was clueless to where she got that accusation from.

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