Chapter 13

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When I see a body appear in the aisle, I pounce. I grab the arm I see. There is a loud shrill scream. It's not Kyle. It is the little black girl that rides with us. A guilty feeling washes over me.

"I'm so sorry. I thought you were someone else." I beg. My eyes focus on the person behind her. It's Ronan.

"Why did you have to get on the bus now!" He looks at me puzzled by my question. "I was trying to scare you but I got her instead!" I point to the angry girl walking away. All he could do is laugh at me.

We sat down behind my seat and chatted. Everybody begins to pile on. I don't have a care in the world. I'm talking to Ronan. Laughing and smiling at each other.

The bus isn't moving long before I notice Max and another boy jump up. I know they are about to fight by the stance they make. Without thinking, I jump over my seat. Flying over Ronan and landing in the middle of the aisle. I rear my arm back ready to strike but before I can the boy turns around. He is one of my old classmates. I could never remember his name. All I can remember is that is name is similar to the word "olive".

"Back off," I warn putting my arm back down. I don't move from my spot until he sits back down then I calmly return to my seat. I place my back against the window.

Ronan is ecstatic. He tells me repeatedly that it was amazing how I jumped over the seat like I did. In that moment, I felt victorious.

"There is no walking in the aisle when the bus is moving. I will tell the bus driver that ya'll are acting up if ya'll do this again," the sub threatens but I don't care what he has to say. I defended my brother and to me that is all that matters. That and because Ronan thought it was cool.

Ronan and I continue to discuss what just happened. I pull my feet into the seat and sit on top of them so I can see Max and "Olive". I have a clear view of them. We continue to laugh about it until I notice they have gotten to their feet again.

I jump over the seat and Ronan again and land in the aisle. I can feel the adrenaline pumping through my body and anger driving me. I ball my hand into a tight fist and rear my arm back till my fist is parallel to my cheek. When he doesn't turn around, I strike the back of his head. I know that hit him hard because he falls forward. His back is almost as level as a table top.

"Oh shit!" Ronan laughs behind me. The boy touches the back of his head and turns towards me.

"I said back off. Sit your ass down!" I growl at him as I get to my feet. I had jumped a seat without thinking twice. Punched a kid without a second thought. All to defend my little brother.

To hell with the idea of letting siblings fight their own battles. Siblings should stick together and double team against any force. To hell with every man for himself. Why suffer alone when someone else can help? 

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