The arguing begins to calm. Momma and Matt come out of their room. They are both fully dressed ready to go somewhere.
"Your Momma's sick. I'm takin her to the hospital so she'll get better," Matt says. Momma's eyes meet each and everyone of ours. Desperately searching for reassurance that we didn't think she was crazy.
"Do you think think I'm crazy?" she finally ask the unspoken question that had been on her mind.
"Everything will be okay Momma," I reply. Tears welling in her eyes. She nods an okay and leaves. It is late when they return home. Matt says that Momma had medicine now and that everything was going to be okay, and for awhile they were.
There wasn't much arguing or anything like that. I think that the medicine had worked and mellowed Momma out. She was diagnosed with bipolar disorder years ago, so maybe they put her on something to help her out.
Max inherited that from her. He was diagnosed as bipolar as well. He has anger problems. When we were little, sometimes I would make him mad. On Christmas, at Nana and Papa's house, I had mad Max so mad that he chased me around the house with golf clubs. He was determined to kill me with them.
Luckily, our older cousin came downstairs and took it away from him. He was so mad. It freaked her out! She had never seen him angry like that before. At the time, we were probably in first or second grade, but his bi polar disorder stood out.
When we were even younger than that, he stabbed me in the head with a pen. I was probably about five so that made him four. I had sat down in his chair. Nana got us all chairs with our names on them. I sat down in Max's chair and I wouldn't get up.
Max got mad and stabbed me in the center on top of my head. My head bled for a long time, but I sure as hell moved my butt out of his chair.
The next thing I knew I was sitting in the living room holding a bloody rag to my head. Daddy put Max in the corner while Momma sat in front of me. My head did eventually stop bleeding and was okay.

Non-FictionRaven always loved her parents, even after they got divorced. She didn't blame them. They just went their separate ways. This changes when her mother convinces her that she must move in with her. After moving in with her mother, Raven's life is fli...