Grandmomma and Papa shut off my cell phone. In my grandparents minds, the phone company would wait a few days before they shut it off. Needless to say, that is not how it happened. Momma and Matt are fuming. Matt has come home from work.
As soon as Momma figured out why the phone wasn't working, she quickly got on the house phone for Grandmomma and Papa. Momma starts cussing them out, any and every terrible thing that pops in her head. She tells them she is going to sue Daddy for more money because they shut the phone off.
She blames me. She doesn't even know the details and she is blaming me. She says I betrayed her. Yeah, I'm the one who betrayed you. I called Grandmomma and Papa all the details the phone company has. Get real.
When Matt arrives, he is beyond angry. He yanks the phone away from Momma and continues where Momma leaves off. I want to scream at them. I want to cuss them out as bad as they did Grandmomma and Papa.
"It's wrong of them to do that," Momma yells.
"No it's not!" I snap back. I can't hold it in anymore. "You shouldn't have taken from me!"
"You're too irresponsible to have a phone Raven," Momma turns away from me.
"How? I'm not the one who went over the minutes. I never broke it. I never went on the internet." Momma turns back around and glares at me. I am fumming. My face is burning. The tears in my eyes are angry tears. I hate that about myself. I cry when I get really angry. I ball my hand into a fist and let my nails dig into my skin in an attempt to stop myself from crying.
Momma has texted and went on the internet. She ran over on the minutes and broke it. I would have let her use as long as she didn't break the limits if she had not stolen it from me.
"I can't talk to my brother now," Momma is getting angrier as am I. Bring it on. I am ready for you. Do something.
"You should of thought of that before you ran up a bill!"
Momma takes a few steps back. She can't believe that I am defying her, that I am standing up for them. My grandparents can't stand up for themselves right now, so I will be their voice. I will fight for them.
"Leave Raven," Momma yells stepping to me.
"Okay," I smile ,"I'll move in with Daddy. He will be more than happy to have me."
This was the straw that broke the camels back as they say. Momma's shoulders drop. Everyone in the house becomes quiet. Matt has stopped yelling and has turned his attention to me, but I don't care. I make my way to my room.
Momma follows me. She attacks me. She starts hitting me. I put my arms up to try and protect my face. The force of Mommas blows forces me backwards onto my bed. I put my legs up about to kick her in the face. I was not going to let her do that . I wanted to kick her in the face. I should have.
She was never going to lay a hand on me again. I stood up to her and I did it all by myself. The other times that she had hit me I did nothing but this time it was different. It ends tonight.
Momma told me to leave. I should have left. I should have called my friend. My family thought that he was a freak. He was anything but a freak. They didn't like him simply for that reason.
I hate it when people look at somebody and call them a freak when they don't even know them. That really gets me fired up. I think that is just about the only thing that can get me pissed enough to walk up to somebody and punch them in the face.
He could have been there in five minutes to get me but I didn't call him. I didn't want to leave Chloe and Max. Matt usually yells at Chloe to leave but this time it was me.

Non-FictionRaven always loved her parents, even after they got divorced. She didn't blame them. They just went their separate ways. This changes when her mother convinces her that she must move in with her. After moving in with her mother, Raven's life is fli...