Chapter 33

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Momma and Matt had parties often. We didn't mind. The house was full of laughter and smiles when people were over. The house would be clean for a little while. Momma and Matt would laugh and smile with other people. There was no arguing. Sometimes it was a nice change. Even if the company was just a bunch of drunks and junkies. 

At one particular party, things hit the fan. A drunk staggered out of the house and into the driveway. He climbed into his car and put it in gear. He drove straight into Momma's car. I'm guessing that is not where he meant to go. Instead of going to Momma about it, the drunk drove away. 

When Momma came outside and saw the damage to her car she was seething with anger. If she had seen it happen, there would have been a fight. Momma would have smashed his car or pulled him out of it. The cops would have been called by someone at the party or one of the neighbors.

Momma's anger burned inside her for days as did Matt's. Everyday they would comment about the drunk that had hit Momma's car. They would call him names and just down right trash talk him. The damage was too much. Instead of getting it fixed Momma got a new car. Not a new new car but a better one than that was hit. 

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