Chapter 14

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The boy sits back down and I do the same. On my perch, I feel a surge of something. Almost like an even greater victory or pure adrenaline. The bus driver yells and pulls over off the road, but it doesn't faze me. When he finishes tearing into us, he pulls back onto the road. I know that his threats are empty. They don't matter to me, nothing will be done.

Ronan and I continue to laugh and joke about what happened for a second time. We aren't engaged in conversation long when word reached us that "Olive" is crying. This just makes us laugh harder. I just can't believe he is this much of a wimp.

Ronan and I couldn't stop laughing or joking about it even when it came to my stop. Then Max and I laughed about it until we got to the door. We don't have to be quiet. Momma and Matt are not home. The car isn't in the driveway.

We sit down in the living room and start talking. I ask him why they were fighting in the first place.

"We was arguing and then we started kicking each other," he says leaning back against the couch.

"I didn't even see that!" I exclaim.

Max shakes his head through his laughter," Oh yeah. I was kicking the shit out of him. Then he jumped up and then you came out of nowhere and slugged him in the head." 

Max reaches for his side attempting to speak through his roaring laughter. "He cried!" He laughs even harder.

"He was such a whimp," I cry.

Eventually we calm down and move onto other things. I feel in my heart that I had done the right thing. Based on Max's reaction he was glad that I jumped in. Not because he couldn't handle himself, but because I showed the whole world that you mess with him, you mess with me. We will double team you. 

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