Chapter 1/Transcript

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I walked through the front door of my new university with my worn-out black high tops barely tied. Another first day. Better choose someone new. I thought long and hard this time since this would be the last time. I laid in bed the night before, and since I don't sleep much I had a lot of time to think. I especially don't sleep the night before my first day. I believed my choice was ideal. It was the perfect pick. This time I will be the rebel. But not just any rebel. The rebel. I will have my posey. The one that skips school and the one that gets suspended. All that shit.

I could enroll online since I was not in-state when I applied.

"I'm new." I stated to the lady sitting behind the front desk.

"And you are..."The old receptionist said looking up at me with her purple-rimmed glasses.

"Scarlett. Scarlett Buzzby." I uttered.

"Okay let's see here.." The receptionist said looking through her messy desk that had papers scattered everywhere along with a couple of phones and random books. I wait impatiently tapping my fingers on the granite desk making a clicking noise. "Oh found it." The old lady states, grasping a piece of paper in her skinny hands, she hands the paper to me. I rolled my eyes out of her view and ran a hand through my thick brown hair making it fall all around my shoulders.

"Finally." I mumbled.

"Now make sure you check in with the Dean before you go to your first class so you know the rules of our school. Welcome to Crescent Valley University!" She said happily which made me cringe internally.

"Yeah...sure." I said walking away from the joyful receptionist.

Obviously, I'm not going to 'check in' with the superintendent to know the rules if I am just going to break them anyway.

I scanned over my schedule to see where and what my first class was. C hallway, room 315, Chemistry 102, with Professor Clark. It will start at 8:15. I groaned remembering chemistry from last year at my previous college. I studied my schedule looking trying my best to memorize it. I shoved the schedule into the back pocket of my dark denim jeans. Fixing my leather jacket I stepped out of the office and into the new place I will call hell.

I walked around campus keeping my expression blank. Knowing I will be getting double takes. I don't dare to make eye contact with anyone. Everyone has most of the same lines running through their heads, 'Who's that?' 'The new girl?' Most of the students besides the freshman class have their own friend groups. That's what happens when you go to a new school or college. I strolled through campus making sure I knew where to walk for my classes so I don't have to look like a chicken with their head cut off. Unfortunately, the time comes close to most of the morning classes. I watch couples kiss each other farewell and other friends say their goodbyes. I take my time walking to my first class observing everyone's movements. The time was 8:15 when I entered C hallway. I watched students rush into their classrooms to claim that they were on time, even though they obviously were not. Room 315. I opened the door into my first period. It's almost like you could hear everyone's head turn to look at me.

"Yes?" The teacher said.

"Hey." That is all I said and you could hear some snickering from the class.

"You must be Miss.Buzzby."

"Yep. That's me." I said then continued to walk to a desk in the back.

"I'm your chemistry professor, professor Clark. I must say I am very impressed with you" Prof. Clark said as I stared at him. "I have big expectations."

I sighed as I sat down. "Do you expect the same from everyone else?" I replied lazily.

"Of course not. But I read your transcript." Clark scoffed.

"Then you expect me to be a good student." I questioned raising my eyebrows.

"Why yes." He smiled like an idiot.

"Wait to judge someone after you have met them and not just solely based on their GPA." I finished. Prof. Clark looked taken aback, but more confused than frustrated.

I already didn't like him. First of all, he already talked to me like I was stupid. Secondly, he was that one Professor every school has. The old male Prof. that is too young to retire, but too old to actually deal with students. He had gray hair and wrinkly skin. He wore a blue sweater over a white button up and black slacks.

We shall start with the syllabus: Any disrespect will not be tolerated." Professor Clark continued. I accidently snorted after he stated his first rule. Before Prof. C could see who it was laughing, I quickly changed my expression. Clark took a deep breath looking back at his paper. "I'll continue to go over the syllabus while this passes around. I'll need you to all sign this. It says that you have seen the syllabus and you will try to follow the rules to the best of your abilities." Clark explained. "Now this next paper has all the rules listed and says what you will be learning this year. Or what I will try to teach you." Prof. C said trying to add humor as the class looked back at him blankly. "So we will go over the syllabus and the paper I have just passed out, by the time we finish I will dismiss you, and we will start with our first lesson tomorrow." Prof. Clark finished. "Oh another thing we will have lab partners when we have days we go into the lab which is most of the time, and no you do not get to pick your partners. They will be chosen randomly by this half of the class picking a piece of paper from a jar," He gestured to the half I was on, "which we will also do today." Professor C added grabbing a jar from his desk gave the plastic container to the first person in my row to have it passed around the room. Clark continued his babbling about the rules and the lessons he would be teaching as I nodded off.

Suddenly, I got nudged by someone waking me up from my short-lived nap.

"Here." A blonde boy whispered grasping a jar that I recognized. He held the jar out for me to pick up the last paper. I snatched the last piece and opened up the flimsy product. I read the slip.

Rock Chase


I hope you have enjoyed the first chapter of "She is Not Who You Thought"!

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Pink Kitty

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