The Diner..

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E r i k a
I was cleaning the countertops, Blake kissing my shoulders, when they walked through the door. Seriously? Ugh. I moved Blake away as I was getting uncomfortable and I grabbed my book and my pen, walking over.

E- Hi, welcome to Mackies, what can I get you?
?- Well, if it isn't Erika Costell, the school freak
E- *sighs* I asked what you want-
?- Shut up
E- I'll let you guys have more time

I walked away and back behind the counter. Blake kissed me and I tried to pull back, but he didn't let me, which is normal, but then he grabbed me hard by my waist, making me wince in pain and he dragged me into the back room. He closed the door and slammed me against it.

E- Blake get off of me!
B- Shhh baby girl, it's time
E- No it's not! I'm not ready!
B- I've waited long enough bitch

He ripped my clothes off and he raped me, Holy fuck. My own boyfriend raped me, I thought I could at least trust him... When he finished, he left with a smirk on his face. I saw him go out the back door. I had to get back to taking orders, my dress was ripped though. I had nothing else. I saw a hoodie in the corner, probably Mackenzies boyfriends as it was quite big. I got up, falling to the floor again. I slid the hoodie over my head and I put my shoes and underwear on. My bra had been ripped so I only put on my panties. I walked out, holding onto everything as I could barely walk. I grabbed the book and the pen and I walked out, back over to their table..

E- Are you guys ready to order?

I felt blood in my mouth, so I put the sleeve up to my mouth and I spit it out, luckily the hoodie was red.

?- Water
?- Lemonade
?- Diet Coke
?- Water
?- Chocolate milkshake, two straws!
E- I'll be right back with those

I turned around and I saw Kade and Mackenzie walk through the door, I got desperate and I tried to quickly walk over, but I ended up falling. Kade picked me up and I was hugging him, and me, him and Mack all rushed to the back of the kitchen, into the room. They sat me down and looked around, my stuff was everywhere.

M- Oh my god

Mackenzie hugged me and comforted me while Kade went and gave them their drinks and took their orders. Mackenzie has me call in Summer, my co-worker and she said she would come in ASAP. About 5 minutes later, I heard someone run in. It was Summer. She ran over and hugged me as I just cried and cried. Me, Mackenzie and Kade went to mine while Summer stayed and worked, taking my place.

I hope you guys love this book as much as I do! It's quite a long one. Make sure to vote! 😊❤️

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