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E r i k a
Logan and Chloe hadn't seen him yet. I just ran to him. He was in the middle of the field, laying down. As I got closer I saw blood. I began screaming and I heard running behind me. I fell down beside him and I saw his face was beaten up. He had a bloody nose and a busted lip. I checked his legs and arms, his stomach and chest, but there was nothing else. I was crying as I grabbed him and hugged him. Chloe and Logan called an ambulance, but as I was talking to him, I felt him hug me back.

E- Shh, I love you
J- I love you

I pulled back and kissed him and he had tears running down his cheeks, but he didn't look as if he was crying..

J- What are they doing here..
E- I was getting followed, so I went to their house and they helped..
J- Did they touch you?
E- They were in a white van.. they almost did, but Logan opened the door in time..

He grabbed me and pulled me on to his lap.

E- What happened to you?
J- I was beat up..

I traced a scar that was on his head..

J- Who is Logan calling?
E- An ambulance
J- Logan!
L- Yeah?
J- I don't need an ambulance
L- Jake-
J- Seriously..

Logan cancelled the ambulance and he helped get Jake in his car. I drove us home and Logan and Chloe drove home. When I arrived, I ran around to his side and I helped him out. We walked up to the door and I unlocked it. We walked in and I locked it behind me. We went upstairs and I lay Jake down. I helped him get his kit off and I grabbed him a pair of joggers. I helped him out then on, then I got changed into a onesie. I grabbed a warm wash cloth and a bowl of water, then I ran over to him and I sat the bowl on the night stand and I straddled him. I cleaned his nose and his cuts and I then got some bandaids and put them on. I put everything away and I got into bed with him. His head was on my chest and I played with his shoes as we both drifted off to sleep, cuddled close.

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