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The next day..

E r i k a
It's July 4th. Me and Chloe have booked an appointment and then we've told everyone to meet up at our house for a little party. I woke up.. 7:30am. I got a shower and grabbed a pair of leggings and one of Jakes shirts. I did my hair and put on a little bit of makeup, then I walked out. Jake was moving about and I walked up, kissed his head and rubbed his cheek a little..

E- Bubba?
J- Hm?
E- I'm going out with Chloe today..
J- Oh ok.. see you later baby
E- Ok.. I love you
J- *smiles*.. I love you

We kissed and I walked downstairs and put my shoes on. I grabbed my keys and I ran out, getting in my car. I drove to Chloe and Logan's and I beeped my car horn. A few minutes later, Chloe ran out. She got in and we hugged..

E- You ready?
C- I guess..

I drove to the hospital and we walked in and went to the waiting room. We talked about everything and the time was getting closer and closer as everything went by..

Dr- Erika Costell

Me and Chloe stood up and walked over. He led me to a room and told me to lay down..

Dr- Ok.. so Chloe are you pregnant too?
C- Yes..
Dr- Great, you can go after Erika then
C- Thank you
Dr- No problem, ok Erika, how long have you known you've been pregnant?
E- Well, me and my husband went on a honeymoon last week
Dr- Congratulations
E- Thanks *smiles* so ever since I've came back, which was Saturday, the 29th
Dr- Good ok, I'm going to put this gel on your stomach, so it will be a little cold
E- Ok..

I lifted my shirt and he put the gel on, then taking the stick thing and rubbing it around..

Dr- There's your baby

I looked and I began crying. Chloe held my hand and he took the picture for us to show everyone. It was then Chloe's turn. There was lots of tears in the room. We finished and thanked the doctor, then walking out. We went to the store and got what we needed and then I dropped Chloe home. I drove back home and I got out the car, walking in. I saw Jake in the living room on his phone.

J- Hey baby
E- Hi

I quickly ran upstairs, putting the stuff away. I walked back down and sat on the sofa with Jake.

J- What are you wearing for the party you wanted to have? *smiles*
E- Jake *smiles* it's not a proper party, you know that, it's just to hang out, all of us again seen as it is the 4th!
J- I know, I know, anyway, what are you wearing?
E- Probably a skirt and a top?
J- Cute *girly voice*

I rolled my eyes and smiled. We went upstairs and Jake got a shower while I thought about what to wear. He got out and I had finally picked out my outfit.. I put it on and I turned to Jake who was also ready..

J- Wow

I smiled and looked in the mirror again..

He kissed me and I looked him up and down

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He kissed me and I looked him up and down.

E- Damn

We laughed. He was wearing a plain white dress shirt and ripped jeans. Simple, but hot. We walked downstairs and I saw Chloe and Logan pull up. I got the door and I let them in. More people began showing up and everyone went outside. I grabbed Chloe's hand and we ran inside and upstairs. I was getting a little anxious but Chloe was reassuring me. We grabbed everything and went back downstairs, then walking outside and standing on the decking. Chloe was excited, I was nervous. Chloe is older than me though.. this'll be easier for her and Logan than for me and Jake. She shouted and everyone turned, a little confused. We took deep breaths..

C- So, as it is the 4th of July, me and Erika got our boys some gifts..
All- Aww
L- We didn't-
C- You guys won't be giving any gifts other than hopefully support..

Jake looked at me confused and I began having bad anxiety. Chloe hugged me and everyone clapped..

E- Chloe I cant..
C- Yes.. you can..

We took deep breaths and turned, putting the shirts on.. The had little baby shoes glued to the bottom, where our stomach is and we got sticker letters and spelled out.. "I'm on my way!" We held our ultrasound pictures and the pregnancy tests.

C- You guys ready!?
All- *cheers*
C- 3!
E- 2..
All- *laughs*
C- 1!

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