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E r i k a
Me and Jake were still sitting on the sofa. I had my legs on his and I had my arms wrapped around him from the side, my head rested on his shoulder. His arms were tightly wrapped around me and his cheek was resting on my head.

J- Y'know, I loved you since we were in that hospital..
E- Why didn't you say it?
J- I don't know.. I guess I knew it was to early for you.. I was also scared that it would be awkward between us because I love you but at the time you probably didn't even know what that was.. all the stupid thoughts flooded my brain and when you were gone, that's all I could think about..

I just hugged him tighter, grateful for how amazing he is.

E- Y'know, when Rocky is around, your the only person, thing, just anything, that can make her go away.. it's been like that ever since I've been seeing her... even before they left, when I was crying in bed, it's because I saw her.. I know I would tell you different, I just thought I was seeing things from the past month.. then when you came in and comforted me, she went away.. completely, then they moved and I was happy again.. no more tears..
J- No more Rocky over all
E- *sighs* Yeah... *smiles*

Me and Jake moved over to the sofa and while he was picking us out a movie, I forgot to ask him..

E- What did Jc want to talk to you about..

Jake looked down at me and smiled.

J- He wanted to let me know that he supports us, that's he's happy your happy and that he's grateful that I'm your boyfriend and not some other douche *smiled*

I giggled and Jake picked us out a movie. It was a comedy to hopefully make me laugh he said. While we were watching it, I zoned out, overthinking things, my mind went back to Rocky. She wasn't showing up though, just memories that I was thinking of. I snapped out of it when the actor screamed. Me and Jake laughed and i felt my eye lids become heavier. I yawned and I turned myself around, my head dug into Jakes chest. He rubbed up and down my back, stopping at my tailbone and going back up again. I thought about mine and Jakes future and what it could be like.. that's when I fell asleep, the images of mine and Jakes future staying with me..

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