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E r i k a
I woke up naked, laying in bed next to Jake. I turned to him and he was still asleep, but I traced my finger lightly around his lips, then softly kissing him. He kissed back. I pulled back and saw his eyes begin to open. We smiled and he hugged me, he's head rested on my boobs. I played with his hair and we actually ended up falling back asleep.

After a few hours, I finally got up and I nearly fell, but I didn't. I walked into the bathroom and that's when I heard Jake shout for me..

J- Erikaaaa!
E- Mhm!?
J- I'll need a shower after you so don't bother turning it off!

I walked back out and I went over to him, moving the cover and sitting on his lap. He looked at me confused, but he put his hands on my waist.

E- Why don't you come with me?

I smirked at him and I got off, holding my hand out. He took my hand and got up, we walked through and stepped in, letting the hot water hit our backs. We was washed our hair and only really made out. When we were finished, we stepped out of the shower and went into our closet. I grabbed a pair of leggings and a hoodie and then put my hair into a messy bun. Me and Jake walked downstairs and I into the kitchen. I sat on the counter and Jake stood between my legs, hugging my waist. I played with his hair and we were just talking when there was a knock on the door.

E- I'll get it
J- I'll make breakfast

I walked up to the door and I unlocked it, opening it to be faced with someone I didn't want to be faced with. Blake. He punched me and I screamed. I heard things drop and I saw Jake run over. He was beating the shit out of Blake, I then saw Anthony and Adam running up to the house and they pulled them off of each other and shoved Blake away, walking in the house. Jake ran to me and hugged me as I cried onto his shoulder. What the actual fuck just happened!? Jake picked me up and we walked into the living room, Adam and Anthony following behind. Me and Jake cuddled on the sofa and the boys sat on the other one.

J- Hey..
Ad- Hey... um, where were you guys yesterday?
E- Here..
An- Have you seen Rock?
J- No
Ad- Shes been missing since last night..

Is she- I got up and ran upstairs into mine and Jakes room. I heard him and the boys knocking on the door. I keep hearing her voice in my head over and over again, the things she said at the hospital and the things she said to me recently.. I heard a noise in the bathroom. I got scared so I went to open the door to get out, but it wouldn't open. It wasn't locked or anything, I began shouting for Jake and he was shouting back. I then saw the door open and I began screaming. Slamming my hand on the door, Rocky stepped out..

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