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E r i k a
They looked up at us and we sat down..

An- Hey
J- Hey..
R- Hi
E- H-Hey.. *slightly smiles*

Rocky pointed to my collarbone..

E- Yeah, Thank you..

She smiled and I smiled back. We all talked and were laughing. Rocky was becoming her normal self again. Not the crazy psycho she used to be and not weird or "shy" acting. Rocky apologised but I said she didn't need to as it wasn't really her fault. Anthony apologised to me and then the boys to each other, for beating the shit out of each other. We decided that after the boys football game, we would go see Adam and Lauren and then we would have a huge sleepover. I still had a funny feeling about Rocky and Anthony being there, but I just shrugged it off. School ended and me and Rocky walked to the bleachers, she was telling me about what she felt during the time when her body was in control of like, another thing and I told her what I saw. We hugged it out and that's when we saw the boys run out. We cheered them on and they laughed, seen as its not even a big game. They played their first few games, they were on the same team and they were winning by a mile. Round the last few minutes of practice, they were tied with the other team.. The last game started and Anthony had the ball, he passed it to a team member and they passed it back to Anthony. Anthony then threw it far, I saw Jake jump and catch it, running for the touchdown. He did it! Me and Rocky jumped on our feet and cheered for them, Jake got lifted up and then put back down when the coach came over. They talked and Jake was smiling the whole time. We got their stuff ready for them and they ran over. I pecked Jakes lips and hugged him.

E- You guys did amazing
R- I know!
J- It's not even a big game *chuckles*
E- But still *smiles*

We walked to our cars and split up, getting in. I gave Jake his bag and he put on different shorts and left his shirt off as he was sweating from the heat. He had his window open and he began driving. His hand was on my thigh and we jammed out to music all the way there. Jake was laughing at me most of the time and then my favourite song came on.

E- I loveee this song!
J- Really? Same

I smiled and thought..

E- This is our song..
J- What?
E- This can be our song *smiles*

He smiled and pecked my lips seen as we were at a red light. The light turned green and Jake began driving again as the song fully started..

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