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E r i k a
We were told to go into another room, just me, Jake and two specialists. Me and Jake sat next to each other while the specialists sat in front of us.

?- So basically, Erika we are going to have to meet your ex boyfriend..
E- I don't know where he is..
?- We'll figure that out
E- He's dangerous.. very dangerous
?- We'll take care of that also

Jake rubbed my hand and they called in for one of the guys that brought us here.

?- We would like you to head to 33 mandpair road, we need Blake Hart

He nodded and walked out. Me and Jake were allowed to leave and we went to the lounge area at the front of the building, where we came through. People came up to us with food and drinks seen as we have been here for ages. I laid my head on Jakes shoulder and put my legs over his. He put his hand on my ass and moved his thumb up and down, sending me off to sleep.

I woke up to shouting..


I looked up and Jakes grip became tighter. I saw the guys bring Blake through the door. He looked at us and then at me, tears built up in his eyes..

B- Cupcake?..
E- Don't call me that

Tears fell from my eyes, as they did his. Jake hugged me tight and I cried onto his chest. They took him away, to ask him questions. Me and Jake were told to follow loosely behind. We went into the room with the window and Blake into the other.

Dr- Tell me Blake.. what did you do to the girls?
B- I was going for Erika.. I wanted her for myself.. she was with that douche and it made me mad, so I showed them what would happen..

I scoffed in annoyance.

Dr- Tell me.. what did you do to them?

He stood up and put his hands on the table too..

B- I grabbed them, raped them.. *chuckles* then I cut them and stabbed them..

I saw 2 guys walk in and they handcuffed Blake to the chair. He was mad.. it wasn't good at all.

Dr- You did something to Rocky.. they one with dark hair.. what did you do Blake?
B- I hurt her bad.. she was with the dark haired dickhead.. the one that's best friends with blondie

I looked up at Jake and he had tears in his eyes. I hugged him tighter as we listened again..

Dr- What did you do to her Blake!?
B- I killed her.. *smirks*

My stomach dropped. What? I was about to continue listening when the door opened.. everyone looked over. I saw Rocky walk in, no one else seem to know.. it's just in my head again.

R- I'm not dead Erika.. please help me, IM BEGGING- your going to regret everything- ERIK- every little thi- PLEA- ng you said- SE! Please.. *crying*- *laughing*

I hugged Jake tight, crying onto his chest.

E- They're here.. *crying*
R- HELP- if you tell hi- PLEASE!
E- It's Rocky and the thing.. she's asking for help..

I was balling my eyes out. Jake hugged me tighter and I couldn't hear it anymore.. I just focused back on what Blake was saying..

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