Got us..

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E r i k a
Me and Jake were laying down, talking and laughing when I heard a cat call. It sounded close, so I turned around and saw a random ass guy standing walking by me and Jake. I gave him a disgusted look and I thought he would just walk away, but Jake got up. As soon as he did, the guy ran away. I laughed and Jake looked at me and laughed too.

J- He's a bitch

We laughed and then I got up and grabbed Jakes hand, I ran, leading him to the ocean. We ran in and I splashed him. He wiped his eyes and splashed me. We were having a bunch of fun, but then, I looked in the corner of my eye and saw him. I stopped and so did Jake..

J- Baby you ok?
E- Jake.. he's here..
J- Who's here?
E- Blake is here..
J- It's fine.. he'll be dead if he comes near us..

He was looking me dead in the eye and Jake could tell I was getting paranoid, so we walked back to our stuff and grabbed it all, walking back to the hotel. Every few steps we took, I looked back and he began following us. We walked in and quickly went up to the reception..

J- Excuse me?
Reception- Yes?
J- When we've gotten in the elevator, could you turn off the button to get up to our room.. there's a guy here who is a threat to us..
Reception- Of course *smiles*

Me and Jake smiled and thanked her, then running into the elevator. As it was closing I saw Blake walk in. Luckily it closed though before he could get over.

J a k e
We made it to our room and even moved some furniture in case he still got up. We blocked the elevator off and then we went into our room. Erika went and got changed in the bathroom, I put on some joggers and lay down on the bed. I'm pretty sure we'll just have a chill day now.. I was on my phone when Erika walked out. She was only wearing panties and a very short crop top. She walked over to the door and I was staring at her ass. She looked past, and she walked out. I was looking past the door, looking at her and also in case Blake makes it in. She went to the kitchen and I saw her grab a glass to get water. She dropped it and it smashed. I was about to get up and go help her, when she bent down. I then looked down.. fuck, I have a boner. I looked back up and I saw Erika looking at me with an eyebrow raised. I hid my boner and went back on my phone as quick as I could. I heard Erika giggle and then I heard water running. She walked back in and put the water down, walking over to me. She grabbed my phone and moved my hand from my dick. She smirked at me and moved around the other side of the bed, crawling over and on top of me. Of course, she sat right on my boner. I bit my lip. She bent down and we immediately began making out. My hands were on her ass, squeezing hard. This was heated. Erika quickly pulled back and practically ripped her shirt off, reveal her bare chest. We went back to making out and I flipped us over..

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