The boys..

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J a k e
Me and the guys were all talking when there was a knock on the door and the girls walked in. They all looked happy.

J- Hellooo
E- Hi *smiles*

Erika walked over and pecked my lips. They all sat down and we talked for a little. I got to meet her old friends and they were nice. I saw Courtney looking at me a lot, but I ignored her. When it hit evening, everyone had left. Me and Erika got changed into our usual pjs and we cuddled up on the sofa and watched some movies. Half way through the first one, there was a knock on the door. I got up and I opened the door to be faced with my old best friends that I thought I'd never see again. Joe, Cole, Matthew and Marcus.

J- No! Oh my god! Guys!
M- What's up brother!
Ma- Hows it poppin!
C- I missed you brooo!
Jo- Ayyyy!

We all bro hugged and I let them in. Luckily Erika was wearing a hoodie because I don't need them staring at her boobs seen as she always wears a bra. We walked into the living room and I introduced them to Erika.

Jo- Yo, congratulations!
Guys- I know!
J- Thanks

Erika smiled and them and that's when I realised..

J- What *chuckles* where's billyoyo? *smiles*

Their mood completely changed. The smiles dropped from their faces and the energy in the room was different..

J- What?
M- Jake..
C- Billy passed away in a car accident last summer..

Erika rubbed my thigh as everything came back to me. I was mad.

J- So you guys didn't tell me!? You didn't care to reach out!?

I got up and ran upstairs..

E r i k a
He ran upstairs, I saw a tear fall from his cheek..

E- Jake!-

The door slammed shut.

E- Um, I would give him his space..

They nodded..

Jo- So how long have you guys been together?
E- About 7-8 months now, but we're obviously getting married in a month
M- I'm so happy for you guys
C- We would always joke with him when we were younger, he had a crush on this girl, Alissa, and we always joked that they would get married

They all laughed and that's when I realised..

E- Violet?
Ma- What?
E- Alissa Violet?
M- Yeah
E- Yeah they dated before me and Jake did, but I caught her cheating after Jake saved me, so I basically saved him..
Jo- How did he save you?
E- I would rather not say, it's kinda touchy
Jo- Sorry
E- No it's fine, I'll go see if he's ok now though

I got up and ran upstairs. I knocked and opened the door. I saw Jake sat on our bed, his hands clasped with them covering his mouth. I walked up to him and I put my hand in his hair. His head leaned on my stomach as I just rubbed his head, my hands getting tangled in his hair.

E- You ok?
J- *sighs* Yeah..
E- You should probably go talk to them
J- Mhm, lets go

He grabbed my hand and we walked back downstairs. He said sorry and then we all talked, laughed and watched movies. They ended up staying over as they did fall asleep, so me and Jake did too..

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