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J a k e
I was in the changing rooms, talking with Noah, Cris and Martin.

N- She ok though?
J- Yeah.. I hope she will be when we're playing

I heard a scoff. We turned around and I saw Anthony looking at me, then looked back at Adam, rolling his eyes.

J- What's your problem?
An- What's my problem? What's your problem calling my girlfriend crazy
J- Well she is, she's a fucking psycho Anthony and you and Adam are just oblivious to it!
An- Your girl is the psycho one, cutting her with a fucking knife..

I had turned my back to him, but that set me off. All the boys 'ooooo'ed as I turned back around.

J- What the fuck is wrong with you? So your blind too? Because I'm sure, no I'm positive after I kicked you two and that psycho out, I was cleaning my girlfriends wounds and bandaging both of her arms, from his wrists to her elbow! I was cleaning the blood off the floor while you were probably listening to your girlfriends dirty lies!

Anthony punched me, so I punched him back, sending him to the floor. We all walked out and on my way, I spit a little bit of blood out. I was enraged at what he had said. When we stepped onto the field, I looked over and saw Erika and Lauren laughing, thank god she's ok. I looked around and I saw Rocky at the very top of the bleachers, her eyes glued on Erika.

J- Fucking lunatic, I swear *mumbles*

I walked out onto the field and I was against Anthony, of course I was. Ugh.

E r i k a
They all were in their positions and Jake was against Anthony, like their friendship could get any worse. I saw that Jake had the ball and was running to get a touchdown. He was doing amazing and me and Lauren were cheering for him when Anthony jumped on his back, knocking him over.

E- What the fuck?
L- Asshole

We laughed but my attention went back to them. I heard them shouting at one another.

J- Really!?
An- That's for what you said!
J- For What I said!? I was telling the truth! I should be the one beating your ass right now for what you said!


An- Too scared!? *laughs*

I saw Adam trying to get Anthony to stop, that's when Jake grabbed Anthony and they started beating each other up.. badly. Everyone was trying to get them off of each other, but they just kept punching harder. I was getting worried about Jake, so me and Lauren ran up. We stayed behind the line and the other players were keeping us back. Adam ran over and pushed us out the way as the were getting closer and closer to us. We were round the other side and we were shouted at by the coaches.

Co- Move!
E- Thats my boyfriend! Jake! Stop!

Jake was on top and he punched Anthony one more time and stood up. He turned around and I pushed all the other guys out the way, grabbing him and hugging him. His nose was gushing with blood, his eye swollen and purple, he had cuts all over his arms, but I know for a fact Jake did more damage to Anthony than Anthony did to him..

His Girl | A Jerika StoryWhere stories live. Discover now