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I woke up naked, of course laying next to Erika. I sat up and let my feet hit the floor. I rubbed my eyes, that's when I heard Erika waking up. I turned around and she was in a really weird position. I chuckled a little and then I got up, putting on some joggers. Erika then got up too, putting on underwear and one of my hoodies. We brushed our teeth and all that jazz, then we walked downstairs. Erika was still half asleep. We made it downstairs and we went into the living room. Rocky and Anthony looked at us with wide eyes.. I lay Erika down and sat next to her..

J- What?
An- Was Erika getting tortured!?
J- Oh fuck off asshole
An- Jeez ok
E- He's grumpy after sex

Anthony and Rocky burst into laughter and I looked at Erika..

E- Oops?
J- Oops

I began tickling her. She was laughing like mad until she was shouting at me to stop. She hit my chest, but then rested head on my shoulder. Erika ordered postmates for us all and we just talked until it got here.

R- When's the game?
An- It's next week

She nodded and we continued talking. That was random. The postmates got here and we stuffed our faces with all the stuff Erika ordered. I payed obviously. We finished and then went upstairs to get dressed. Me and Erika had a shower and then went into our closet. She picked out biker shorts and an oversized shirt with a belt and I chose jeans and a shirt. We did our hair and Erika did her makeup, then we went downstairs and Anthony and Rocky were down and ready. We left and drove to the hospital to see Adam and Lauren again. We walked in and we said we were going to see Adam. We walked to his room and him and Lauren were laughing and talking.

E- Hi
L- Oh hey guys

She got up and came over, hugging us all. We went and sat next to the bed and we talked with them for hours. Adam was to get a check up that should make him go a little loopy so we are planning on staying to help Lauren. We left and walked to the waiting room. There was lots of people in the waiting rooms this time, so we went into one with 2 free seats. Erika sat on my lap and Rocky sat on Anthony's. There was weird guys in here that were staring at us, I could tell Erika was a little shaken up.. that's when multiple doctors began running around and I also saw Lauren..

J- It's Adam..

We got up and ran out, she was in tears. Erika ran to her and hugged her.. she just cried and cried.

E- Lauren What happened?
L- Come.. *crying*

She led us to his room. We weren't allowed to go in but we could stay outside. We looked in and then I heard a crash. We looked to our side to see Rocky on the floor. She was pale.. that's when Erika grabbed my hand. I looked at her and she was pale too. She collapsed into my arms. I held her close as Anthony did to Rocky..

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