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E r i k a
I ran out of the parking lot and the rain had gotten a lot heavier. I was making my way to the house when a white van was driving beside me. I didn't think anything of it, so I kept walking. I noticed that the van didn't leave.. are they following me? I got a little paranoid. So I took a different root home. I went into a neighbourhood, they were still following me. I realised that I remember Jake telling me that Logan and Chloe live here, in house 24. I continued walking, eventually seeing house number 24. I stopped at their door and I saw the van door open. I knocked and was ringing the doorbell. A masked guy got out so I began trying to open the door. Just before the guy was about to grab my arm, the door opened. I ran in and I saw Logan and Chloe. They looked half asleep. Logan stopped the guy and had him go away. Logan closed the door and they looked at me confused..

E- I'm sorry..

I began tearing up and Chloe sat me down.

C- What happened?
E- I was walking home from the game and a van started following me, so I came into this neighbourhood.. I remember Jake telling me you guys lived here, so I came to your house because I didn't know what else to do..

Chloe hugged me and Logan brought me over a hot drink.

L- Could Jake not have driven you?
E- Um, I said I could just walk..
L- So he's home?
E- I don't know..
L- Let me call him

Logan pulled his phone out and went into the kitchen. He called Jake and I had my drink. Logan came back in a few minutes later and sat down. We all talked and I told them about the time I was actually at the game. 30 minutes had passed and I was getting worried. Jake would've been here in 5..

L- He's taking forever..

I looked out the window and I saw that white van driving up again.

E- That van is still here..

I pulled up in front of the house and Logan looked out.

L- Why the fuck are they still here!?

He locked the doors and the windows, he had me and Chloe go to the other sofa and he stayed at the door. Rocky's words were repeating in my head, that's when I saw her come down the stairs..

R- Jake needs help...

I was breathing heavy..

R- He's still at the field.. everyone else left.. I'm not lying Erika.. he's hurt..

I squeezed my eyes and I looked at Logan..

E- We need to get to the school..
L- Erika there's stra-
E- It's Jake.. he's hurt..
C- How do you know?
E- I- I'll explain later.. but we need to leave..

Logan sighed and he grabbed his shoes. Chloe put hers on and I already had mine on. Logan grabbed a knife and so did me and Chloe. We walked out with our knifes in front of us. We got in the car and we pulled out of the drive way. Logan speeded to the school and the van was very far behind.. I'm pretty sure we lost them. We pulled up to the school and no one was here..

L- Erika-
E- The field..

We got out and ran to the field, our knifes still with us. We ran to the entrance and I looked around... Jake?

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