Take my hand..

699 16 4

1 month later

E r i k a
I woke up in the hotel. I smiled as I realised that today.. my whole life would change. I got up and I heard a knock on my door. I walked up to the door confused. I opened it and a waiter was there with a table. He smiled at me and I let him in. He left the table there and then walked out. I smiled and I heard the door close, then running for the food. I took the top things off, revealing loooots of food. I picked up a piece of toast, taking a bite. As I went for my second one, I heard a cough. I turned and saw all the girls.. I dropped the toast and they laughed at me. They ran up and we ate our food. I went for a shower and then came out with my robe on. Pam took me over and sat me on the chair. She's amazing at hair, so she did mine in a little braided bun. Lauren is like, the best makeup artist ever, so she did my makeup. I was all ready, apart from my dress. Everyone ran around as I put the dress on and walked out. They cheered and Pam and my mom were in tears. I hugged everyone and then we walked downstairs. I walked out with everyone else and got in the limo that would take us to the location. After a while of talking, we finally arrived. The door opened and that's when my heart started beating. I was getting nervous. The driver helped us all out and we went to the front of the place, but no one was able to see us. I saw my dad and he began crying, that made me cry too. I hugged him and he hugged me back..

D- My princess, your all grown up
E- *giggles* Yep, I won't forget about you, don't worry *smiles*
D- phew *chuckles*

We wiped our tears and my brides maids all walked down. The music began.. <play at the top> and we stepped out. Everyone turned and I saw Jake at the end. Tears already in his eyes. We were all smiling and I saw some people crying as well. We got to the end of the isle and Jake hugged my dad. My dad kissed my cheek and let my hand go, sitting down with my mom. Jake took my hand and we walked up.

(The priest says all the priest stuff)

Pr- Jake.. do you take Erika to be your lawfully wedded wife?
J- ... I do *smiles*
Pr- Erika.. do you take Jake to be your lawfully wedded husband?
E- ... I do *crying*

Everyone laughed a little..

Pr- Now.. by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you Mr and Mrs Paul, Jake, you may kiss your bride

Jake cupped my cheeks and he kissed me. Everyone cheered and we pulled back, immediately hugging each other..

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