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J a k e
We lay next to each other, panting. Holy fuck, that was heatedddd. We looked at each other and Erika smiled at me, biting her lip. She kissed me and dug her head in my chest.

E- Jeez
J- I know..

We laughed and Erika's head got a little heavier..

J- Baby?

I looked down and noticed she had fallen asleep. I smiled and kissed her forehead, falling asleep with her..

For the rest of our honeymoon, Erika had felt a little nauseous. She was also acting weird. Surly she can't be pregnant.. she said she was on the pill. Whatever, as long as she isn't terribly sick, then everything's fine.

E r i k a
I'm pregnant. Fuck. I don't know what to do. Jakes gonna hate me for lying. I said I was on the pill but I actually wasn't.. I just didn't care and needed him.. but I should've realised.. fuck! Jake is going out with a few friends tonight so I'm going to invite some girls over. He came out of the closet looking damn hot.

E- Who are you trying to impress?
J- No one, are you ok?
E- Yes
J- Ok? Bye baby, I love you
E- Same, Bye

He looked kinda hurt, ugh! I keep messing up! What if it gets so bad when he doesn't know I'm pregnant and we divorce!? I began crying at the thought of it. As I was, there was a knock at the door. I wiped my tears and I walked downstairs.. I looked through the keyhole and I saw Chloe, she looked like she had also been crying.. I opened the door and she cried loud. I pulled her in for a hug and we walked into the living room.

E- Chloe what's wrong?
C- I feel like your the only one I can tell right now..
E- Then tell me.. its ok..
C- Um.. Im pregnant..
E- Y-you are?
C- *nods* *cries*
E- *tears up* Chloe?

She looked up and me and noticed I was tearing up.. letting a tear slip..

C- Yeah?
E- I am too..

We both burst into tears and hugged each other tight.

C- How long have you known?
E- Since me and Jake got back.. what about you?
C- I found out yesterday.. what happened?
E- Well.. I lied.. I said I was on the pill but I wasn't.. I just- *crying hard*

Chloe hugged me and said everything was going to be ok..

C- We're in this together ok? We'll tell the boys and all our family together as well, ok?

I nodded and we had a girls night. We were both already getting weird cravings, so we ordered everything we wanted and began making food. We had icecream and mustard topped with pickles, chocolate with ketchup, salt and vinegar chips with Nutella and much more amazing stuff! We were on the sofa, eating when my phone rang. Chloe paused the movie and I picked it up.. it was Jake..

E- Hey bubba
J- Hey Baby, is everything ok?
E- Yeah, Why?
J- Just checking..
?- Hey Jake! Hurry up bro!
E- Who was that?
J- Logan *chuckles* anyway, I'll see you soon love, I love you
E- Bye
J- B-Bye

I put my phone down and put my head in my hands..

C- Hey what's wrong?
E- I keep letting him down..
C- What? How?
E- He's always so sweet to me, saying he's checking in on me and saying he loves me, but my stupid self isn't saying it back and I know he's hurt by it.. I can tell
C- Its not your fault.. when he knows your pregnant, he'll understand..
E- When will we tell them?
C- How about on the 4th of July.. it's July second, so why not!?
E- Yeah... *sniff* ok *smiles*

We continued watching the movie and we both ended up falling asleep..

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