Rose petals..

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J a k e
Oh fuck.

J- Erik-

She got up and went upstairs. I ran my fingers through my hair. Then I looked at Jc..

J- Thanks
Jc- What? I'm not the one lying here or being a shit boyfriend *chuckles*
J- I didn't tell you, I said that she was shaken up about something and that I knew she would prefer for me not to tell anyone.. she can say when she wants to.. I'm not pushing her to do anything because I'm not like the other guys she's dated.. the other fucks that you've met.. I fucking love the girl ok!? I'm not telling you or anyone else what's wrong, as I said she can say when she's ready, but just know I was with the whole time because she was getting help! All I'm saying is, she would feel like she was being tortured and I was the only one that could calm her down! I'm going to truthful, there was one point where we were forced to split up.. and when I could see her again, when she was in tears, I grabbed her and hugged her.. she's my world.. so don't dare say that I lied or whatever, because I want to fucking marry her ok!? I do the best I can just to make sure she's ok at all times- Y'know, fuck this

I ran out the front door, getting in my car and driving away. I drove around, trying to get my mind off of everything. I got to the store and I saw lots of girls from school or girls my age, even older looking women, staring at me seen as I had no shirt on. I went around and grabbed a bunch of roses, a sorry card, chocolates and a teddy bear. I went and payed for them, then I went and got her favourite ice cream and then I went home. I got back and of course everyone was still here. Jc got up and ran over to me..

Jc- Jake..
J- I'll be back..

I ran upstairs with the stuff and I walked in. Erika was asleep so I set her the stuff out and wrote in the card. I went up to her and kissed her forehead, then walking back downstairs. Everyone stared at me while I went into the kitchen to put the bag I had away.

Jc- Jake.. can we talk?
J- .... *sighs* fine..

We walked outside and sat down, letting our feet in the pool.

Jc- I'm sorry..
J- ...
Jc- I didn't realise how bad it all was and I hope we can be fine with each other now.. I mean, you did you wanted to marry my sister, we will be brother in laws.. *chuckles*

I smiled a little and looked at him.

J- She really is my world.. like I would give up anything for her, name anything and I would still choose her..
Jc- I realise that you treat my sister right.. it's just from her past relationships.. I've never known what it's like not to get mad at one of her boyfriends because they've all been abusive or whatever.. but thank god for you

We chuckled and everything was silent until I heard a shout.

?- Jake..

I turned around, it was Erika's dad, he had tears in his eyes..

J- What wrong!?

I got up and so did Jc, we ran over and Dan pointed upstairs..

D- Erika.. I think you should go up..

I ran upstairs, people crying. I pushed everyone out of my way. I looked and saw Erika's stuff was messed up, the rose petals were now not on the roses, except on the floor. The card was ripped, the chocolates were gone and I looked over and Erika was laying on her back. Her arms were covered in bloody cuts, her nose was bleeding.. I was crying along with everyone else. That's when I noticed, her collarbone was cut..

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