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E r i k a
Me and Jake were making out again. I was sitting on the table and he was pulling my shirt up. I helped him out a little and I was in my hands as our lips slammed together again. I threw it on the floor and I pulled Jakes up. His abs exposed. I threw his shirt on the floor, just like I did mine. The ground was weird. It was soft and bouncy, so Jake picked me up and lay me down gently. Kissing down my neck. He got to my chest and was definitely leaving hickeys. His hands had made their was down to my shorts. He unzipped them and pulled them down a little, moving back up to my bra. He was fidgeting with the clip and then there was a knock. We pulled back and Jake looked down, he had a boner.

J- Fuck

I giggled and we got up, quickly getting our clothes back on. Jake went and opened the door, the doctor walked back in with Rocky, asleep on a bed. I moved off the table and Jake ran over to me, hugging me tight.

Dr- Don't worry, it's all been done
E+J- What!?
Dr- Yeah, I told you guys 2 hours ago

Holy fuckin-

Dr- You guys didn't-
E- No, no
J- Not here
E- Jake

I hit his chest and the doctor chuckled.

Dr- I wanted to leave her in here in case she's confused or still angry and she tries to get out.. she won't hurt herself as this is soft and bouncy

He bounced and said we should get out before she wakes up. We walked out and went to the lounge. When we got there, Anthony was sat with his head in his hands. Jake stopped in his tracks and Anthony looked up. I saw that Jake had tears in his eyes that built up. I took his hand from my waist and I walked us over, sitting down. Jake hugged me tight, sitting me on his lap. I could tell Anthony was crying. Me and Jake looked at each other..

E- She's ok..
An- Fuck off-

Jake moved me and we over to him, bending down in front of him. Oh fuck..

J- Listen, I understand that you may be, upset, angry, whatever, but you do not take that out on Erika, none of this was her fault

Jake stood back up after being serious with him. He pushed his head over and walked back to me, sitting me on his lap.

J- You ok?

I nodded, even though I wasn't. I was scared. Will she remember everything? I don't even know..

E- What time is it?
J- I don't know baby.. I don't know

I was getting really tried.. it's been hours, I feel even days. Me and Jake got up and walked over to one of the guys.

J- What time and day is it?
?- It is Monday, 7pm
E- What!?
J- We've been here since Friday, when can we leave!?
?- You guys could've left when Blake got here, which was yesterday.. just have to let the doctor know
E- Are you fucking kidding!?

I grabbed Jakes hand and we ran to the doctor.

J- Hey Uh, can we leave?
Dr- Sure, go sign your name off and say to the guy there that the doctor wants him to drive you guys home
E- Thanks

We ran back and signed our names. The guy got the keys and we left. Fresh air, how nice! We got in the car and he drove us back home. Thank god!

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