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E r i k a
I woke up to the sound of things moving. I opened my eyes and Jake was still in bed, but someone else was here. I began shaking Jake, trying to wake him up, he eventually did.

J- B-
E- Shh
J- What? *whispers*

I didn't make a noise for a few seconds and all you could hear was things moving, footsteps..

J- That'll just be room service..
E- Jake it cant be.. *tears up*
J- Ok, come on..

He grabbed my hand and we slowly made our way into the bathroom. For some reason there was a phone in here, so Jake grabbed it. I heard the footsteps get closer and Jake was holding me tightly.

J- Hello? *whispers*
J- Yeah, um, me and my wife, we woke up to someone in our room, but we know it's not room service or anything.. *whispers*
J- Thanks *whispers*

He put the phone down and nodded at me, meaning someone is coming to see who is in our room. He kissed my forehead and that's when I heard our bedroom door open. We were both completely silent. Jakes thumb was rubbing circles on my arm as I was silently crying. The footsteps came closer to the door, but that's when I heard a shout. The footsteps got further and a few minutes later, it was completely silent. Me and Jake looked at each other and then we stood up, slowly opening the door and walking out. Jake held me close as we walked out, looking around the place. A few things were on the ground and the sofa was messed up, but nothing was broken. Jake just hugged me. I hugged him back. We cleaned up our room a little and then went and got a shower. We are going to go to the beach today. I want to, Jakes kinda nervous in case the guys are staring at me. I just laughed. We got changed. I put on my bikini and my cover up and Jake put on his swim trunks and he grabbed the beach bag.

 I put on my bikini and my cover up and Jake put on his swim trunks and he grabbed the beach bag

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(Erika has white sandals on though)

We walked out and down the elevator. We made our way out the hotel and as soon as we stepped out the hotel, the sun was beaming down. It was so hot. We smiled and walked down to the beach. There was a little path with stone walls on either side that takes you straight there. When we arrived, we took our shoes off and then stepped onto the sand, finding a spot to chill out. Jake lay out blankets down and I took off my coverup. We sat down and Jake put tanning lotion on my back. Jake just likes to burn, so we lay down on our stomachs and talked while the sun hit our skin..

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