Shes ok..

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J a k e
I froze.

Jc- Jake?

I turned to Adam.

J- Call Anthony.. now

He nodded and I was breathing heavy. I ran and grabbed the first aid kit. I put the stingy stuff on that she hates, but she didn't wake up.

A- Jake honey.. *crying* I felt her pulse already..
J- Shes not dead..

They all stopped crying..

A- What?
J- This has happened before.. at the hospital..

I cleaned around it, bandaging her chest and that's when I heard running. I looked over and saw Anthony. He had bags under his eyes and he looked over at me.

J- Do you believe me now? *voice cracks*

He hesitated but nodded. Anthony contacted the doctor we were at while I held Erika in my hands. Within about 20 minutes, I heard a car door shut.

An- He's here!
Dr- Everyone move out the way!

Everyone moved and went downstairs. He ran over and he did lots of tests on her. He had to give her loopy stuff, like what you get when your getting your wisdom teeth taken you, Yeah that's stuff. He had to examine the wound and even look inside it. I had to turn away as he pulled out from around it. He stitched her wound closed and put cream on, then bandaging it. She was now just asleep. I was obviously crying because I hated seeing her like this. We walked downstairs and the doctor left. I closed the door and slid down it..

Jc- Is she ok?

I nodded. They all sighed in relief.

L- Why are you crying then?
J- Shes fucking hurt, that's why-
E- Ughhhhhhhh!

I got up and ran up the stairs into our room. Erika had sat her self up, her feet on the floor. I ran over and moved her slowly getting her back under, while I was she was talking to me.

E- *shocked* Jake! Your crying! Whyyyyyy?

She cupped my cheeks as I sniffed. She was now laying back down and I sat next to her. She was laughing and I was moving her hair out of her face.

J- I got you a teddy bear..

The only thing that hadn't been touched. She awed and hugged it. She put her head on my lap and I played with her hair while she talked to me. It was painful to be honest. There was a knock at the door and Erika looked over smiling..

E- Who's there!? *excited*
Jc- It's um, it's just us..
E- Just us, who!?

We all laughed a little and they walked through the door.

E- Hiiii! Everyone's in our room now
J- I know! *smiles*

I continued playing with her hair while she talked to everyone. That stuff the doctor took from around her wound.. I just couldn't get it off my mind..

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