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E r i k a
I woke up to someone lightly shaking me awake. I opened my eyes and it was Kade, sitting with a soft smile.

K- Hey, morning, how'd you sleep?
E- Not great

I had dried tears on my cheeks and I sat up. Mack brought me over some breakfast and I ate that, then going upstairs and having a shower. I washed my hair and all that jazz, then I walked out and into my closet, picking out a pair of black 3 quarter length leggings and a red oversized hoodie. I put that on and I put on my white fila shoes. I swung my bag around my shoulder and I walked downstairs. Mackenzie smiled at me and hugged me, Kade did the same.

M- Be careful, if you need anything, text me or Kade ok?
E- Yeah
K- Bye Rik
E- Bye guys

I left and they were going to tidy up and then leave. I got in my car and I drove to Starbucks, getting an iced cappuccino. I drove to school and when I arrived, I had finished it. I left the cup in my car and I hopped out, grabbing my bag and slamming the door. I was about to take a step when I was pulled away and was put back in my car, but in the back seats. I opened my eyes and saw Blake. I began tearing up and he grabbed me by my hoodie and he pulled it off. He kissed me and he began making out with me, I tried pushing him off, then the bell rang.

B- Your lucky you slut

He put a leather jacket around me and shoved me out my car with my bag. I don't get my hoodie!? Thanks! I wiped my tears and I walked in, everyone was in class so it will be even more embarrassing walking in, a bra on, a leather jacket and no hoodie!? Ugh. I wiped my tears that had fallen from the continuous thoughts and I opened the door. Everyone looked over and all the boys eyes widened. The teacher was half asleep, so I walked to my seat and put my head in my hands. I shed a tear or two and I moved my hands, sitting them down and looking at my paper, I then looked up and everyone was still staring at me. The bell saved me though. I got up and walked out, lots of boys following behind me. When I took my first few steps out, I felt someone cup my ass, I looked up and saw Blake again. Tears built in my eyes and I hand no other choice, I grabbed his hand from my ass, I pushed him away from me and that's when I saw them turn the corner, is immediately stopping, about a foot apart. They looked at me with wide eyes and then at Blake, then back at me. The girls had disgusted looks on their faces while the boys were confused.

B- Move

They moved a little but before they all stopped looking at me, tears were falling and I was shaking my head and mouthed "please..". They looked at each other and they shook their heads no, all but Jake. He rolled his eyes and walked over, moving Blake. His grip slightly loosened and I ripped his hand off of me and I moved away from his arms, falling to the ground in tears. The others came over and helped me, but Alissa of course and Jake talked to Blake. I saw Blake walk away and I sighed in relief, tears still falling, one by one. Alissa left as she said she was bored but everyone else comforted me.

J- Um, who was that?

I looked up at him and I wiped my tears.

E- You care? That's fucking different

Tears fell down and I began getting aggressive. I got up and they chased after me. I felt someone spin me around and hug me, I couldn't take it anymore. I cried into their chest and I felt us lowering to the ground. When I had calmed down, I was just sniffling and I felt someone rubbing my arm.

?- You can tell us..

I looked up and saw Lauren..

E- Can I though? Or will you guys just bully me again

I didn't see Jake around, but that's when I realised, he was the one holding me.

?- Listen, we're sorry ok? And we kinda just proved it too, Jake just saved you
E- I saw you guys shake your heads

They were all silent, then we heard laughing. We really should be the only ones out here seen as everyone was supposed to be home now. I got up, leaving everyone there. I walked up to where the sound was coming from, I couldn't believe what I was hearing..

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