Best Friends..

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E r i k a
I told Lauren that Rocky had said that she hates me, Lauren hates me, Jakes hates me, that everyone hates me. She rolled her eyes and put her hands on my shoulders.

L- Your my best friend *giggles* Rocky is a psycho

We laughed and then Adam came over with Anthony and Rocky. Jakes grip around me tightened and I tightly hugged him. Lauren rubbed my shoulder as she moved out of the way. I saw the intense look Anthony and Jake were reviving from each other, I looked at Rocky and she was staring at me. A blank stare, just like how Lauren said. Her eyes were dark and I felt as though she was staring into my soul. Tears built up in my eyes.

L- Erika-

Jake and I walked away. The bell was about to ring anyway. We went to class and we sat down, I was crying and Jake hugged me.

E- She was being really weird.. her eyes were black and she stared at me like she was looking into my soul or some dark shit *crying*

Jake kissed my forehead and I wiped my tears. The bell rang and everyone piled in the classroom. Lauren forced Adam to sit in front of us, apparently he was annoyed at us also? Anthony and Rocky sat at the other side of the class. The teacher walked in, I've seen her before, like, outside of school.

E- Jake is that not Logan's girlfriend?
J- Yeah, Chloe

I faced back at the front and she gave us out our tests. Me and Jake finished around the same time, so we just texted the whole time because the teachers don't let you talk when others are working, obviously. Even though people still do, me and Jake just text.

Bubba💗- I love youuuu ❤️
Baby💞- I love youuuu toooo ❤️😂
Bubba💗- You ok now?
Baby💞- Yeah, I did horrible on that test
Bubba💗- I bet you did amazing 🥰
Baby💞- We'll see 😂🥰

The bell rang so me and Jake got up with everyone else and left. We went to the cafeteria and we walked and sat down in a completely new spot, seen as Adam, Anthony and Rocky sat at our old spot. Lauren stuck with us the whole time, she's a lot nicer that Rocky.

J- Fuck
E- What?
J- I have football after school, I'll have to skip-
E- Why?
J- I'm not leaving you again
E- *sighs* I-I'll fight through it.. just like you told me... plus I'll have Lauren.. Adams playing too
J- Are you sure you'll be ok?
E- Yeah..
L- I'll take care of her

We laughed and continued to eat. Every once in a while, I would see Rocky looking over, I could feel her staring at me, but I ignored it..

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