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E r i k a
I woke up next to Jake. I grabbed my phone and I noticed it was in fact Monday morning. Great. I got up and I walked around to Jakes side, I sat next to him as he was beginning to wake up. I was playing with his hair and he hugged my waist.

E- Morning bubba
J- Morning Baby
E- We have school today..
J- Do we need to go?
E- I- *sighs* fine, but we're going tomorrow
J- Ok *smiles*

I kissed him and I grabbed my phone and called Anthony. I told him that me and Jake weren't coming in today. He said he would let the teachers know. I walked downstairs and I went into the kitchen. I grabbed some bread and I put it in the toaster. While it was in there, I heard a knock on the door. I walked over and I opened the door to be faced with my childhood best friend!

E- Michael!?
M- Rik!

We hugged and I let him in. We went into the kitchen as I grabbed the toast. We talked the whole time and I completely forgot to butter the slices. I was talking with him when I heard the shower start running..

M- Is there someone else here?
E- Oh, my boyfriend
M- Boyfriend?
E- Yeah, Jake
M- Cool

He smiled and we continued talking. I grabbed some orange juice and I buttered the toast, finally. I poured 3 glasses. One for me, one for Jake and one for Michael.

E- I'll go get Jake
M- Ok

I ran upstairs and I went into the closet, he was only in joggers.

E- Bubba?
J- Hm?

He turned and came over to me, putting his hands on my waist and his head on mine.

E- Um, one of my best friends are here
J- Cool, What's their name?
E- Michael
J- So its a guy?
E- Don't dare get jealous *smirks*
J- I'm kidding, I'll be down in a second
E- Ok

We pecked lips and I ran back downstairs, running into the kitchen.

E- He's gonna be down in a second he said
M- Cool

I put the toast in the bin as it got cold and I just made us all waffles. They were pre made so I just heated them up in the microwave. When they were done, I put them on a plate and I saw Jake coming down the stairs..

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