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I had Lauren hold Erika and I went up to the window again to look at Adam. A cut collarbone.

J- Holy shit

I turned back to them. I saw them both bleeding from their collarbones.

J- Anthony call that doctor again *tears up*

Anthony called him and I just held Erika close. About 10 minutes later, I heard shouting. I looked down the hall to see the doctor trying to get passed all the ones that work here. He shoved them to his sides and ran up.

Dr- Both of them?
J- Adam has one too..
Dr- And Adam is?
L- My boyfriend, he's in there

He got up and looked in.

Dr- Get me 2 of the beds! Now!

I saw 2 doctors running up with beds. I lay Erika down and Anthony lay Rocky down. They wheeled them into the same room as Adam. They had the girls either side of him and he began looking through their wound. About 10 minutes later, I heard loud beeping noises. We all got up and looked in. Rocky.. Fine. Adam... fine. Erika... no. Her heart rate monitor was going fast, quicker and quicker every time. I saw her veins popping out and I fell to the floor, tears falling from my eyes.


I saw someone run in with one. I couldn't even look. Anthony stayed with me while Lauren looked in.

L- Shes ok..

I continued crying, thanking god that she's ok. About an hour later, we were allowed to see them. I ran in and over to Erika. She was the only one asleep, so i just held her hand, rubbing circles around with my thumb. I heard someone coughing, so I looked up and then saw it was Erika. She was coughing blood though. I grabbed a napkin and put it to her mouth and she coughed and coughed. When she had finally stopped, she looked at me with tears in her eyes. I hugged her tight as she cried onto my shoulder.

J- It's ok baby.. it ok..

She lay her back on the pillow and closed her eyes, letting a few more tears fall. I held her hand the whole time until I was told I had to leave. I went home and ran upstairs, crying myself to sleep.

I woke up at 3am. Ugh. I got up and went downstairs, into the kitchen. I was about to open the refrigerator when I heard a door unlock. I turned around straight away and I looked over at the back door and the front door. I looked out all the windows, but there was no one. I just ran back upstairs and into my room. I locked the bedroom door and all the windows. I got into bed and I closed my eyes, trying not to stress about anything. It was probably just all in my head, that there was no noise and I'm just worried about Erika. I set my alarm for 5 because visiting hours start at 6, and I fell asleep once again..

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