She's here..

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E r i k a
He came over to us and looked us up and down.

?- Welcome Jake and Erika
J- Thanks?
?- I'm Doctor Manor, we found out that you are friends with a girl with the name of Rocky Garcia

My heart dropped. Is this a trap? Is she here?

Dr- If you were wondering, no she's not here, we wouldn't accept someone like her in a building like this
J- What's that supposed to-
Dr- Come on now

He turned and began walking. We got nudged by one of the men to go, so we followed him. I didn't want to, but I was intrigued now. There was 2 rooms, we went into the first one. On one of the walls it had basically a window, like a room you would be in when your watching someone get questioned for a crime.

Dr- Which one of you has been affected by Rocky?

We looked at each other..

E- I have..
Dr- Erika, you follow me and Jake you stay here
J- What's gonna happen to her?
Dr- Were not going to hurt her, don't worry *smiles*

He put his hands on my shoulders, making me walk out the door. Me and Jake looked at each other once more and the doctor took me into the other room, the one we could just see into. Jake could see me.. but I couldn't see him. I was told to sit down while the doctor stayed standing, walking in front of me. He looked at me and put his hands on the table.

Dr- This building is where people like Rocky.. are most active..
E- What?-
Dr- Don't worry, your not going to get hurt.. anyway, what kind of things has she done to you?

As he said that, I heard her whisper.

R- Erika, don't say a thing... you've messed up our lives enough, do you want me to die?
E- *shakes head* Shes whispered to me.. yet she's not around..
R- Erikaaaa
E- I've seen her one second and then the next when I'm with Jake, she's gone.. like I'm just seeing things, but I'm not..
R- Don't tell him
Dr- How did this all happen?
E- My ex, he I'm guessing raped her and my best friend, he had cut them multiple times and they looked like they were dead..
R- Maybe I was..

My eyes widened..

Dr- Ignore her Erika!
E- We went to the hospital and they were fine, everyone saw them and I went last, Lauren was fine with me.. then I went to see Rocky..
R- Do you want me to make your life a living hell? More than it already is?
E- She said everyone hated me, that I made everything worse.. she grabbed one of the knifes and held it against my neck.. I managed to get out, but she still cut me at my collar bone..
R- Erika! You dare say another thing!
E- I ran out as she stood up, saying I wouldn't get away with it.. *crying*
Dr- I'm guessing she's here?

I looked up because I was looking down the whole time.. she's all I could see, the doctor wasn't even the doctor anymore, she was in front of me, beside me, in the corners. I was breathing heavy. I saw her reach into her back pocket. She grabbed out the knife, she walked up to me as I was crying hard.

R- We're going to kill you.. and everyone you love.. including Jake

I screamed. I got out of the chair and I was forced into the corner, I slid down it and she ran to me. I screamed louder than ever before..

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