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E r i k a
I heard Alissa..

Al- Don't worry baby *giggles*

She was on the phone, she's cheating on Jake! He may have been mean to me in the past, but he saved me. I looked back at them all and they all looked at me confused. I looked Jake in the eyes, a tear fell and I looked back at Alissa, pissed off.

E- We haven't left yet bitch

She turned around and I ran to her, jumping on top of her and we began beating each other up. She was shouting at me and I was shouting at her, that's when I felt a pair of arms grab me, pulling me away from her. I was kicking my legs and I was put on my feet, someone's grip still on my wrists. Jake was hugging Alissa as she cried onto his chest, that's when he looked at me, I was also in tears.

J- What the fuck!? First I save you from that guy and now you go and beat up my girlfriend!?
E- I may not really like you, but I truly hope that's changed to ex girlfriend!
Al- So your trying to steal my boyfriend no-
E- Shut your gob you little slut!

Everyone was trying to calm me down while Jake hugged Alissa.They were all softly talking to me when I shouted..

E- I know what it fucking feels like!

Everyone went silent..

E- Ok?.. *crying* from getting told that I'm loved, then getting cheated on and getting abused every single god damn night by the person who said they loved you? Too many times that happened.. and I'm trying to help you..

I looked Jake in the eyes..

E- I have been cheated on, so I wouldn't fucking lie about that.. not to my worst enemy.. I was the one that stood here and listened, none of you did, you guys just stayed back.. It's not a joke..

Jakes eyes were watering and everyone looked from me, to him, apart from Alissa.

J- A-Alissa?..
Al- No, baby I-
J- Please, tell me..
Al- I.. I didn't mean it-

Jake let go of her and walked away from us all. Alissa ran away and my wrists were let loose. I looked at them all and I left too. I walked out the front doors and as I made it to my car, I was spun around and hugged. I knew it was Jake seen as he had me in his arms 10 minutes ago, and he was sniffling.

J- Thank you..
E- It's the least I could do..
J- I'm so sorry.. about everything..
E- Jake it's fine-
J- I mean what I've done too.. and what others have done.. if you don't want to talk to me again, it's fine, I get it-
E- Jake, shh

He cried onto my shoulder and I rubbed his back. I was in this position once, I felt like I could've died from heartbreak..

E- Wanna talk about it?

Erika What the fuck!? He's obviously gonna say n-

J- Yeah.. Thanks
E- Ok, follow my car
J- Ok

I rubbed his shoulder and he got in his car, I got in mine and started it up, pulling out of the parking lot and driving home. My mom or brother won't be home luckily, so me and Jake can just chill. I pulled up to the house and I saw Jake pulling up just behind me. I got out and so did he. He walked over and we headed in walking up to my room. I said he could just wait on my bed while I went and changed. I put on some joggers and a crop top, then walking back out and sitting on my bed with Jake.

J- What was it like for you? After everything..
E- I literally felt like I could've died.. I would've tried but that would've affected me business wise as well
J- Oh..

We talked for hours, just about random things and we got close to be honest. We ended up watching a movie, it was a romance movie but it was sooo good. While we were watching it, I looked at Jake. I can't believe I've only just realised, but he's actually really hot. I could tell he was a little hot and I know guys usually don't wear shirts in bed, but it's kind awkward- whatever.

E- Too hot?
J- I mean-
E- I know guys usually don't wear their shirts in bed, I have a brother, that's how I know, so I'm fine if you take your off
J- You sure?
E- Yeah, it's fine

He sat up a little and took it off, holy fucking- nope! I'm not doing this! It's like my eyes are glued to him. His abs were really hot, I can't even stop myself. I bit my lip as I looked up his torso and then I looked at his face. His jaw line was sharp and defined and that's when I noticed Jake was looking at me in the corner of his eye. My eyes widened and I turned my back to him, I heard him chuckling and and I put my face in my hands. He began laughing as he put his hand on my shoulder, even his hand there sent chills up my spine. Do I like him? I don't know.. I mean, I guess.. Fuck! Why!

J- Erika?
E- Hm?
J- It's been 5 minutes.. are you ok?
E- Um, y-Yeah..

I turned my body back around and I faced the TV, continuing to watch the movie. When I did, I saw Jakes hand sneak up to my leg. I got butterflies and he put it on my knee and rubbed little circles, I looked at him and he gave me a slight smile. I looked down and smiled too. Throughout the whole movie, Jakes hand stayed on my knee. When it was over, Jake got a text.

J- Thats my mom, I better go home, I'll see you tomorrow though
E- Yeah ok
J- Bye Rik
E- Bye

He smiled at me as he left and I smiled back. When I heard the front door close I ran downstairs and I watched out the front window, crouching down though. He pulled out of the driveway and he was smiling the whole time, which put a smile on my face. I locked the doors and I ran upstairs, locking mine too. I put on some booty shorts and kept my crop top on, then I got into bed and fell asleep, yeah it might be early, but I was tired after a long and eventful day.

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