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I could care less about that though, it could just be the swat team. I lay Erika down on the bean bag as she was crying her eyes out. I took a medical class, so I know what I'm doing. I went into the cupboard and I grabbed a belt. I tightly tied it around her leg, the wound under it, and put a cover on it, just so she wouldn't loose any more blood. I grabbed some numbing cream and I took the cover off. I put it around it and I rubbed it off, cupping her cheeks and resting our heads together..

J- Trust me with this ok? *whispers*

She nodded and I wiped her tears. I grabbed a pair of tweezers. I felt someone touch my shoulder. I turned and I saw Jc..

Jc- Be careful.. *whispers*
J- I will *whispers* *puts hand on shoulder*

I took my hand off as I turned back around. Her mom and dad held a hand each while I got a grip of the bullet. I slowly pulled it out and I was Erika biting her lip. A few tears fell down the sides of her face, same with me.. I got out out and I quickly stitched her leg up. (Probably not accurate 🥴😂) I grabbed her and hugged her tight. Her family thanked me as we all stayed quiet. More shots went off and I heard screams.. meaning people were outside of our house and our neighbours were getting shot at.  After a few minutes, everything was silent. I thought everything was fine, until I heard rapid guns being shot. I heard shouting and screaming. Running, loud noises, glass breaking and then I heard someone running down the stairs..


We all looked at each other. I got up and I looked out the top window. It was covered by a book, but there was a slight creek that I could see through. It was them..

J- It's them

We all sighed in relief and I opened the door. They turned to us with their guns pointed.

ST- Everyone ok!?
J- I-
ST- Great!

They ran back up and I was about to chase him up but Erika stopped me. I just hugged her and we all stayed down here, not confident or brave enough to go up. Luckily down here there was a bathroom because it was a chill, hangout area. I took Erika to the bathroom so we could talk alone.. I sat her up on the counter and I kissed her. She kissed back and then I wiped her tears..

J- You ok now?

She nodded. I know she is a little shaken up still, so I just hugged her. She fell asleep on my shoulder, so I picked her up and we walked out. Rocky was asleep in Anthony's arms, Chloe was asleep in Logan's arms and everyone else was just scared. I sat down with Erika's legs on my lap, her head on my chest and my arms around her waist. We all quietly talked, still scared in case someone found us..

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