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E r i k a
We were sitting, just talking when Jc spoke up.

Jc- Jake can we talk?

My grip around him got tighter and he rubbed my thigh. I looked at him as I was tearing up.

J- I promise, nothing will happen ok? I'll make sure me and Jc are only in the kitchen, I'll have my eyes on you the whole time *softly speaks*

I hugged him and he kissed my shoulder as he lifted my legs off of his and he got up. I began panicking. I kept hearing her voice and the images of the nightmares from the hospital and from earlier flashed in my head. I looked up at Jake and he was looking back and forth from me and Jc. I saw something moving behind Jake, outside the window. That's when I began silently crying. No one noticed at all. I was looking down, my head on my hand, that's when I heard a voice.. it was definitely Rocky..

R- Look up for a surprise!..

I didn't want to, but I felt like I needed to. I looked up and saw I saw Rocky standing behind Jake, outside of the window. My eyes grew big, then I heard a whisper in my ear. I looked to the side, in the corner of the wall. Rocky was standing, leaning against it with a knife. That's when I lost it. I screamed for Jake and he ran to me, I jumped in his arms, crying my eyes out, she went away.. My mom and Dad were trying to talk to me but Jc stopped them, I heard him say for Jake to deal with it. I was crying into his chest, practically screaming. He kept telling me to calm down, but it's like I couldn't physically do it.. Our families left so it was just me and Jake. He pulled back and wiped my tears but I just couldn't calm down.

J- Baby tell me what you saw.. *tears up*
E- First I heard her tell me to look up for a surprise, I did and I saw her outside, standing just behind you, I was about to flip when she whispered in my ear so I looked to the side and she was in the corner with the knife.. I just want her to go away *crying*

I felt a wet patch build up on my shoulder, I pulled back, still crying obviously and Jake was crying too. I wiped his tears and cupped his cheeks.

E- Why are you crying?
J- Because your crying and I hate seeing you upset, in pain, any of that, it's like I'm experiencing it too

I kissed him and he kissed back..

E- I love you

He rested our heads together and looked me in the eyes..

J- I love you..

I hugged him again.. surprisingly calming down..

His Girl | A Jerika StoryWhere stories live. Discover now