Truth or dare..

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E r i k a
We arrived and got out, laughing a little. We interlocked hands and walked in, seeing Rocky and Anthony standing at the entrance. We all walked in together and said we were here to see Adam. They let us in and we walked into the room to see Adam asleep and Lauren laying beside him, but she was awake.

L- Oh hey guys

Her voice was croaky, I knew she was sick. We said hi and me and Jake went to get her some stuff to help her feel a little better. We got her some lemon tea from the cafe and we also went to the gift shop and got Adam a teddy, also getting Lauren one. We walked back and Lauren looked at us and smiled..

L- Thanks guys.. you didn't have to
E- Well we went to

We smiled and hugged, then she hugged Jake. Jake gave her the teddies and I gave her the tea which she started drinking. After a while, we all left and got back in our cars, driving home. Anthony and Rocky went to theirs to get stuff and me and Jake ran upstairs and got changed. Jake put on joggers and I put on booty shorts and a hoodie. We went downstairs and put pillows and blankets around, then cuddling up on the sofa.

J- You ok?

I moved myself, so I was now sitting on Jakes lap, straddling him.

E- I'm still kind of freaked out.. I know she helped me.. but what if this is all a game to her.. she's just playing tricks on me..

He kissed my forehead and hugged me.. holding me close..

J- I'm sure that's not the case.. you guys were fine today..
E- But what if she is tricking me..
J- Then we'll call the doctor again..

I sighed and nodded. The doorbell rang and I got off Jakes lap. He kissed me and went over and let them in. They came into the living room and sat down on the other sofa. We were all talking and I noticed Rocky looking at me with a weird smile.. I just smiled back, rubbing it off. We ordered postmates and we ate that while coming up with ideas of what to do..

An- Let's play truth or dare!

We were all down so we finished our food and Anthony went first..

An- Ok, Rock, truth or dare?
R- Dare
An- I dare you to... lick your toe
All- Eww

We all laughed, she hesitated every time she got close to her toe, but she did it.

R- Ok, Jake.. truth or dare?
J- Truth
R- Ok.. um.. how did you feel being single?
J- *awkwardly chuckles* I was lonely and then me and Erika were hanging out and it worked *smiles*

He kissed my forehead and then Jake thought.

J- Erika
E- Mhm?
J- Truth or dare?
E- Dare
J- I dare you to let me sleep in a shirt tonight
E- Jakeeeeeee
An- Why doesn't she like you wearing a shirt in bed?
J- Because ever since our first kiss, she had put her head on my chest and heard my heartbeat, so she liked to hear that..
E- Also cause I get cold..

They all laughed, I smiled a little and he looked at me..

J- So?
E- Fine

Oh boy.. revenge..

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