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I woke up to my alarm blasting in my ear. I picked my phone up and saw my wallpaper, it was a picture of Erika. I teared up as I remembered what happened. The door opened and Jc ran in.

Jc- You ready bro?
J- I guess
Jc- Get ready!

He ran out and I went into the bathroom and had a shower. I cried a little and then got out, going into the little closet and grabbed the clothes I was going to wear. I put them on and looked in the mirror..ugh.

At least I have my hoodie

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At least I have my hoodie. I did my hair and grabbed my bag. It was Jc's but he gave me everything I needed. We walked downstairs and got in my car. We drove to school and I had my head on my steering wheel before we got out. I saw Anthony run over and I opened t my door.

An- Hey guys
J- Hey
Jc- What's up
An- Um, Jake? What's up with Erika?
J- She cheated on me..
An- Bro I'm sorry I shouldn't have-
J- It's fine *tears up*

We got out and Jc said I would walk in the middle. We walked into school and everyone looked at us. I saw Erika. She was wearing my joggers and my hoodie. I looked down as I was tearing up and we went straight to class. Jc was in a different class from me, so it was just me and Anthony..

J- I can't do it bro..
An- Let's go..
J- Where?
An- To your house..
J- Fine..

We walked out and I went up to Jc. He said ok and that he would get a ride from a friend. We left and as we were walking out, I saw Michael with his arm around Erika..

J- I was gonna marry her.. *mumbles*
An- I'm so sorry.. *whispers*

He rubbed my shoulder and we got in my car. Before we left, I saw Michael kissing Erika's neck. She was looking at me with tears in her eyes. I could tell she was uncomfortable..

J- Look at her..
An- Hm?
J- Look at Erika..

He looked up and then at me..

An- Why do I feel like he's forcing himself onto her..
J- I think that's what happened...

I got out and I saw him intensely grabbing her. I heard her trying to tell him to get off of her, but he wouldn't. I walked up to them and I grabbed him, shoving him into the locker. Anthony grabbed Erika and moved her away.

J- What the fuck do you think you're doing?
M- I was kissing my girlfriend
J- No, you mean my girlfriend that you made cheat on me?
M- ...

I punched him in the face and he was fighting back. We were beating each other up, that's when I was pulled back. Michael left and I wiped my blood from my lip. I turned around and I saw Jc holding onto Erika. She ran to me and jumped in my arms. I hugged her tight, whispering..

J- I love you..
E- I love you..

I put her down and hugged her like that too. She was crying on my chest, then Jc came up.

Jc- Take her home
J- Will Do.. can I have that thing back?
Jc- *smiles* Of course
E- What thing?
J- Just a thing *smiles*

I kissed her head and we left. We got in my car and I drove us back to our house. I saw Dan and Angels car parked and my moms car and my dads car. We walked in, confused.

D- What's going on?
J- I uh, um, Michael had forced her..
A- Oh my god, honey

Angel ran over to Erika and hugged her..

D- You need that thing back? *smiles*
J- I asked Jc too, but yeah *smiles*

He smiled and gave me nod, Erika pulled back from the hug with her mom..

E- What thinggg?
J- Just a thingggg *chuckles*

She smiled and ran upstairs, I already knew she was getting into bed, so I decided to get everyone in on it.

J- Ok so basically, I'm going to propose..
All- *cheers quietly*
J- So, I'm going to take her to a beautiful place and I want everyone there, just before I'm about to ask her and say everything, I wanted everyone to come out and she'll be very confused, but then I'll ask
A- That's amazing Jake, thank you for making her feel happy again
J- No need to thank me *smiles*

They left and told Logan, Chloe, Jc, our friends and other people they wanted there. I ran upstairs and saw Erika laying in bed. She looked at me and a huge smile came across her face and I ran over and cuddled up with her..

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