The present..

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*This chapter is boring*

E r i k a
I took a deep breath and continued playing with the hairs on Jakes neck.

E- Um, the day that Lauren and Rocky were attacked um..

Tears filled my eyes and the images of Rocky with the knife and standing up from her bed, terrified me.

E- I went in to see Rocky.. she said it was all my fault.. that me jumping on Blake's back made it all worse when I was only trying to help.. I kept saying I was sorry, but then she.. she grabbed a knife and held it to my bed.. I managed to get out of the position she had me in but then it cut my collarbone, that's why I was covered in fresh blood that night and that's the reason I passed out..

I was balling my eyes out, then I remembered..

E- She also said that everyone hates me.. Lauren hates me.. and you hate me, I kept saying that you don't, but it just gets to me-

Jake kissed me and when we pulled back, he wiped my tears..

J- Let's go home
E- Jake, I don't wanna ruin this for you
J- Listen, if I stayed, I wouldn't want to be ruining it for you, I'm glad to not go if that means your ok..

He put his hand on my thigh and I smiled at how unbelievably sweet he is. That's when I remembered-

E- I have another present at home for you..
J- Ok? *chuckles*

He drove us home and I said for him to wait on the sofa. He quickly got changed though, putting on his joggers and leaving his shirt off. I ran upstairs and got all ready. I walked back downstairs with the present and stood at the bottom of the stairs.

E- You can look

He turned around and his eyes widened, gulping as he saw. He rubbed his eyes to make sure it was real, it was obviously.

I walked over to him, locking the door as I passed it and I saw that he had a boner

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I walked over to him, locking the door as I passed it and I saw that he had a boner. I giggled and bit my lip, sitting on his lap.

J- Baby What Are you doing?
E- Doing the thing I wasn't ready to do.. which I now am

He looked me in the eye and cupped my cheeks.

J- Are you sure?
E- Yeah..

I smiled and Jake sighed, then smiling too. I leaned down and I kissed him, then pulling back.

E- Go slow..
J- I was going to anyway..

I smiled and kissed him again. As it got more heated, Jakes hands moved up my thighs and to my ass. We began making out and he would squeeze my ass every few seconds. I decided to take it up a notch, I began grinding on him. His dick was huge! He began kissing down my neck and leaving hickeys. I was biting my lip the whole time, softly moaning as he reached my sweet spot. My hands were tangled in his hair, that's when he picked me up and took me upstairs into our room, laying me on our bed. He made out with me for a few minutes, then kissed down my neck and to my chest. His hands explored my body, rubbing up and down my sides and up my thighs. His hands moved around to my back and to the clip of my bra, then he kissed back up to my lips and pulled back, leaving nearly any space between our faces.

J- Are you positive?
E- Yes Jake, if you ever feel like you need to ask, just do it, I said yes

I smiled and so did he. We made out again and he kissed down my neck and to my chest, quicker and then I felt my bra loosen. I slipped it off my arms while Jake kissed down to my boobs..

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