You and I..

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E r i k a
Me and Jake laughed and he picked me up and walked us down the isle. Everyone was laughing and cheering as music was being played. I had a strong grip around his neck and he put me down at the end and we went for pictures. I was excited for this part. There was a forest near the location so that's where we went.. After about an hour, we finally got the pictures and they looked amazing..

 After about an hour, we finally got the pictures and they looked amazing

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(They're the ones there going to keep)

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(They're the ones there going to keep)

We went back to the location and me and Jake got a limo to ourselves. We got in and it drove us to the huge hall that we would have our party in and all the speeches and stuff. On our way, Jake was just talking to me, telling me how much he loves me. We kissed and he bit my lip but we arrived, so I denied and we got out, smiling. We walked in and everyone was already here. As we walked in with my brides maids, Jakes best man and his other friends, music was playing and everyone was cheering again. As everyone was dancing, people were coming round and congratulating us. Later, we all got in our seats, me and Jake at our table with our family members. My parents, Jc, Jakes parents and Logan. It was time for speeches, My dad was first..

D- Hi
All- *laughs*
D- Um, I just want to thank you all for coming and attending this amazing and special day, celebrating the marriage of my daughter and her husband
All- *cheers*
D- First I would like to say I am so happy for you and I am glad that you guys are happy too, Jake I know that you will take great care of my daughter from the moment I met you, I knew that you wouldn't even let your friends hug her
All- *laughs*
D- *smiles* When Jake asked for my blessing, he also pulled Jc over too, he was probably the most nervous I had ever seen a man and when he asked the question, can I marry your daughter, I was over the moon.. Erika has been through a lot and I know that you know that, but you treat her like royalty.. to be honest, you treat her better than her brother
All- *laughs*
Jc- It's true
All- *laughs*

My mom said her speech and it was basically the same. All the parents speeches were practically the same to be honest.. but then it was Jc.

Jc- Ok, haha
All- *laughs*
Jc- Jake, I know we weren't the best of friends before you and Erika were dating, and for everything that did happen, I'm sorry
J- That's ok bro
Jc- *smiles* Well, ever since I've gotten to know you and you've been with my sister, I can tell you are truly her favourite human
All- *laughs*
Jc- Your like a brother to me, the brother I never had and I'm very grateful for that

Logan has said similar stuff and then it was time for me and Jake to dance. Everyone had cleared the dance floor and we walked over as the music began..

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