Back there..

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E r i k a
I woke up in bed, next to Jake. He was sitting up on his phone and I was hugging his torso. His arm was around my back, his hand ending up on my side. He was rubbing little circles and I yawned, arching my back and hugging Jake again, tighter this time.

J- Morning baby
E- Morning bubba

He kissed my forehead and I realised school started back today..

E- Schools starts back today..
J- I know but it's only 5am
E- Yeah *giggles* I have to get ready
J- But your not going to school wearing all that makeup you wear
E- But I'll look ugly
J- You are the most beautiful person, actually, the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.. you have never been ugly.. not even when we weren't together.. when I was with Alissa, I had the biggest crush on you.. but I obviously couldn't tell you because I was with her, which was a mistake

I giggled and he looked into my eyes..

J- For me? No makeup?
E- *sighs* Only for you

He smiled and we pecked lips. We got out of bed and went into our closet. I put on some black leggings and a white crew neck. I turned and Jake was wearing black ripped jeans and a white crew neck. We smiled and kissed.

J- I like to match
E- *giggles* Me too

We went into the bathroom and did our hair. Jake let me put on mascara as it made me feel better about myself and then we grabbed our bags and went downstairs. Jake grabbed his keys and we left. We got in his car and he put his hand on my thigh. I put my hand on his, holding it a little and he pulled out of the driveway and drove us to school. We stopped off at Starbucks first because we didn't get any breakfast and Jake insisted on paying. I got my iced cappuccino and Jake got an iced frappe. We shared a chocolate muffin and ate that in the parking lot, then Jake actually drove us to school.

When we arrived, I saw Anthony, Rocky, Lauren and Adam standing outside the school, probably waiting for us.

E- Jake, what are they doing here?

Jake looked and jaw clenched and he rolled his eyes.

J- I don't know, but what we're gonna do, is you and me will walk in, ignoring them, ok? We'll only talk to Adam and Lauren seen as we hate Rocky and I'm annoyed with Tony, Yeah?

I nodded and Jake got out, running around. As he did, I felt like everything was going in slow motion. I looked up and Rocky was looking directly at me, giving me a blank stare. I got out and Jake hugged me and asked if I was ok. I told him and he cupped my cheeks and looked me in the eyes.

J- Your gonna fight through it.. I'm not gonna let anything happen to you ok?

I saw tears build in his eyes. I nodded and kissed him, then hugging him. We pulled back and I closed the door, we interlocked fingers and we walked up. I saw Lauren run over with a smile.

L- Hi guys!
E- Hi *smiles*

Us three talked while Rocky, Anthony and Adam did. I'm surprised Adam isn't annoyed at Anthony.. whatever. We went to Jakes locker and then to mine. We got my stuff and we were telling Lauren that we were annoyed with Anthony and that Rocky is basically a psycho.

L- I know! Omg, we were out with the boys at the mall and she looked really weird, her eyes were like, black almost and she looked pale, her attitude towards us, like she was being cheeky to me and Adam and demanding to Anthony, somethings not right

We proceeded to tell her about my little moments and she was disgusted in what we told her from the day at the hospital.

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