Christmas day..

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E r i k a
Me and Jake made it back home. It was now dark out so we locked the doors and went upstairs. I got into some booty shorts and a crop top, Jake just wore his joggers as usual. We got into bed and looked at each other.

J- Good night beautiful
E- Good night bubba

We kissed and cuddled up close. My head was rested on his chest, listening to his heartbeat, just like when he came to my house once and we had our first kiss, in the pool. Anyway, I closed my eyes as I felt my eyes becoming heavier and I quickly fell asleep in Jakes arms.

I woke up to my alarm. I turned it off and I hugged Jake again, rolling on top of him. He hugged me back and we stayed like that until my second alarm went off.

E- Ugh, merry Christmas bubba *smiles*
J- Merry Christmas my love *smiles* *croaky morning voice*

I kissed him and his tongue slipped into my mouth almost straight away. We were making out when my third alarm we off.

E- I need to go shower anyway
J- Ok, I'll have one after

We smiled and I walked in and had my shower. I washed my hair and all that jazz, then I went into our closet while Jake got a shower. I got dressed into my favourite outfit ever for Christmas.

 I got dressed into my favourite outfit ever for Christmas

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It may not be the best colours, but I wear it every year. Jake came out with boxers on and he smiled at me.

J- You look beautiful
E- So do you!

I walked into the bathroom again while Jake laughed behind me. I blow dried my hair and curled it, combing through it and letting them fall naturally. I did my makeup the same as yesterday, except with a light pink nude lip instead. Jake came in and gelled his hair. I hugged him from the back and after he finished and washed his hands, he kissed me and we walked downstairs. We had all of the presets set out of the floor under the tree, now we just had to wait for everyone. made me and Jake pancakes while we waited.

About an hour later, everyone had showed up and we were about to open the first few presents when there was a knock on the door. I got up and walked over. I opened the door and saw the people that I least expected to see...

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