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J a k e
Holy shit..

J- I know me and Erika have only been dating and all for like 6 months.. but *deep breath*
D- It's ok kid.. what's up?
J- I wanted to ask you both, if I could- If I could ask Erika to marry me?.... *deep breath*
D- Wow, is that it?
J- Yeah?..
Jc- I just want her to be happy, and I know she is with you
D- Of course Jake
J- Really? Wow, oh my god, thank you so much, holy god..

They both laughed and I smiled. We hugged and I left, saying thanks one last time. I ran back home, as happy as anything. It's 12:30, so I'm a little late. I opened the door and I walked into the kitchen.. I couldn't believe my eyes. I saw Erika sitting on the counter with Michael between her legs. Her hands were on his shoulders and his hands were on her waist. They hadn't noticed me, so I ran out, slamming the door behind me. I drove back to her old house and I knocked on the door. Jc answered, Dan was behind him..

Jc- Hey J- Wow are you ok?
J- I won't be needing that blessing anymore..
D- What Why? What happened?..
J- Um *voice cracks*
Jc- Come in

I stepped in and we went back into the living room, this is were I asked for their blessing to marry her.. now to explain that she cheated on me..

D- So what's going on?
J- Um.. so basically her best friend Michael was over.. *tears up even more* and I left to come here to ask for the blessing.. *shaky voice* I went back home and I opened the door and saw Erika sitting on the counter.. Michael was between her legs, she had her hands on his shoulders and his hands were on her waist.. *crying* so I left..
Jc- I'm so sorry bro.. I thought she was different..
D- I'll speak to her..
J- I just thought she loved me.. she told me that before I left..

Jc sat next to me and Dan left the room.

Jc- Y'know, I've never liked Michael.. he always seemed like a douche bag..

I chuckled a little. I got a notification on my phone, so I picked it up, it was her..

Baby💞🔐- Please come home..
Baby💞🔐- I'm sorry..
Baby💞🔐- I love you 💗

I put my phone down and continued crying. Jc took my phone and checked the message, he scoffed and gave me it back.

Jc- Are you going to school tomorrow?
J- I guess..
Jc- Stay here tonight, we can leave tomorrow morning and she'll regret cheating..
J- I don't wanna-
Jc- Don't wanna What? Make her realise that what she did was wrong?
J- *sighs* Fine... I need my stuff though..
Jc- I have a few things *smirks* *laughs*

I chuckled and Dan came back in..

D- Ok, Erika needs you home she said.. she needs to talk..
J- Yeah ok, Jc I-
Jc- Nope, Jake is staying
D- Jake?

I hate being put in these positions..

J- I'll talk to her tomorrow?

I sat back down and put my head in my hands. Jc hit my back a few times and we went up to his room. He said I could sleep in Erika's old room, which is now the guest room. We found an outfit for me and we went to sleep as it was now late..

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