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E r i k a
Ok then, if he wants to play that game..

E- Jake Truth or dare?
J- Ugh, dare *smirks*
E- I dare you to not wear a shirt tonight

He rolled his eyes while smiling and Anthony and Rocky laughed. I giggled and he looked at me..

J- Your lucky your cute

He kissed my forehead and then Jake said Anthony could go..

An- Jake, Truth or dare
J- Oh come on!
All- *laughs*
An- You'll like this one if you choose dare
J- What? Dare then
An- I dare you.. *looks at Rocky and smirks, then back at Jake* to let me and Rocky have fun-
J- WHAT!? Why would I like that one!?
An- Because! You and Erika could?
J- Bro-
An- It was a dare!!

I picked Rocky up, her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck. They ran upstairs and I heard them go into the guest room, luckily not our room. Me and Jake looked at each other and laughed. I moved though so that I was straddling him.

E- So what are we going to do?
J- Whatever you want baby

He smiled and I looked into his eyes..

J- You ok?
E- Come on..

I got off of his lap and grabbed his hand he got up and we went upstairs. We heard moaning from the other room and laughed a bit. We went into our room, Jake lay down and I went into our closet. I stripped and I put on some more lingerie that I bought.

 I stripped and I put on some more lingerie that I bought

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I put on my silk satin coverup thing and I walked out. Jake was on his phone and he looked up at me confused. I walked over and took his phone, putting it on the bedside table. I reached my hands out and he got up, taking them. We walked a few steps then I let his hands go.

J- What are you doing? *nervously chuckles*

I walked over to the door and locked it.

J- Baby-

I dropped the robe from around me. He gulped and I was leaning against the door.

E- Come here

He walked over and I wrapped my arms around his neck while his hands rested on my waist. Our lips smashed together and we were making out immediately. It got heated fast. Jake picked me up, his hands on my ass, squeezing, making my softly moan every time. He walked us over to the bed and lay me down, kissing down my neck and roughly rubbing my thighs..

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