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I woke up and I slipped away from Erika quickly getting up. I couldn't have a shower because Erika would hear me, so I just put on some joggers and a shirt, carrying a hoodie as well. I did my hair and all that stuff, then walked out and up to Erika. I sat on the bed with her and I didn't want to, but I shook her awake..

E- Jake What is it?

I could tell she was really tired..

J- You need to get up.. let's go..

She turned to me and then saw that I was dressed..

E- Where?

I hovered above her and our faces were inches apart..

J- Hawaii
E- Wait what?
J- Yeah, for our honeymoon *smiles*

Erika kissed me and then jumped out of bed, running into the closet. A few seconds later she came out in her underwear..

E- Wait What time is it?
J- It's 5:30
E- What time is the flight?
J- 7:00
E- Omg!

She ran back in and I chuckled. I grabbed the suitcases and Erika ran out, ready this time, and smiled.

E- You packed already?
J- Yep, I knew I wouldn't get up early enough

Erika laughed and we ran downstairs, running outside and getting into my car. I pulled out of the driveway and I drove us to the airport. When we arrived, I got out and ran round, opening Erika's door. She got out and I grabbed our suitcases. Erika wanted to take hers, so she did, and we walked in. We gave them in and then we went to the security. We were both clear, so we then went shopping. While Erika was looking at perfumes, she had saw one she liked, but didn't want to spend the money, so while she was looking at different ones, I picked up the one she wanted.

J- I'll be back in a second baby
E- Ok

I kissed her cheek and quickly went to the cashier. I payed for the perfume and then put it in my bag in case Erika saw. I walked back over and Erika hadn't found anything else. We left the stores and went for food as we did have another hour. We went to Taco Bell and we got nachos and our tacos. When we had finished, I payed for it and then we went to the waiting part. We sat down and Erika put her head on my shoulder. We were both on our phones when our flight got called. We stood up and grabbed our bags, then getting on the plane. We had a little bit of trouble, but we eventually found our seats. We sat down and Erika wanted to be at the window, so she was staring out as people began boarding. Her head was on my shoulder and her arms were wrapped around my bicep. I was just admiring her beauty. The plane began moving and Erika looked around the inside of the plane, the excitement on her face was very noticeable. She looked at me and squealed. I chuckled and she pecked my lips. The plane began going fast, meaning it's about to go into the air. We both put our heads back, our hands clasped and I felt the plane tip up a little, the weird feeling of floating. We were eventually in the sky, on our way to Hawaii. A few air hostesses came by and asked if we wanted anything. Erika got a champagne and I just got a water. When the lady walked away, I looked at Erika and she was drinking her champagne, trying her best to look posh. I just laughed at her and she hit my chest. We talked about all the things we wanted to do. Erika wanted to do diving, I wanted to have nice dates. She liked that idea. After about 8 hours, we finally landed. I got our bags down and we walked off the plane. Erika and I walked to collect our bags and as we were waiting, she was jumping up and down in excitement. I was laughing at her the entire time. I saw our bags and I ran up and grabbed them. We walked out and I saw the Uber with the name "Paul" on it. We walked over and the driver smiled at us..

Dri- Congratulations on your marriage mr and mrs Paul
E- Thank you

I smiled and we got in while he was putting our cases away. He eventually got in and began driving. There was palm trees everywhere and I couldn't wait to go out with Erika tonight. We made it to the hotel and we got out. The driver gave us our cases and we walked in. We went to front desk and got our room key, then getting into the elevator and heading up. The doors opened and because I got us the penthouse, it was straight to the room.

E- Oh my fucking god

She stepped in and I stepped in behind her. I wrapped my arms around her waist and put my head on her shoulder. She looked at me and kissed me. She ran around as I laughed at her. She found the bedroom.. oh god. I heard her scream and I ran in with the stuff. She was laying on the bed, sunk into the memory foam. I chuckled as she laughed. I put the suitcases to the side and I grabbed my bag, taking the perfume box out..

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