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*Extra chapter cause I'm off school 🥳🤗*

J a k e
I turned around and he looked worried.

J- Is everything ok?
Dr- Um, there's good news and bad news..
An- Bad news first..
Dr- The machines that are helping you three are causing the hospitals other patients to not be able to use theirs.. but the good news is, they can go home and will be ok, you guys just have to take care of them and don't let them get up until they've stopped throwing up..
L- But they haven't-
Dr- They will, but they can only start to get up afterwards
E- What about the bathroom?
Dr- *chuckles* The medicine your on, you won't have to

Some doctors came in and detached the machines from them and I grabbed Erika's joggers and slid them on from under the hospital gown. I then took off her gown, luckily she had her bra on, so I put my hoodie on her after I put her shirt on her. I picked her up and I went and signed the paper to discharge her. We left and I sat her in the passengers seat of my car. I ran around to the drivers side and I got in, pulling away from the hospital. I put our song on and Erika smiled at me. We began singing and we eventually arrived home. I ran round and I picked her up, taking her back inside and upstairs. I lay her down and covered her with the covers.

E- At least it's comfortable this time

I chuckled and I kissed her, taking my shoes off and getting in beside her. She carefully turned her body and we just looked each other in the eyes.

E- I'm gonna throw up
J- Oh- ok

I got up and grabbed an old bowl from the bathroom. I ran over and she threw up. I had ran downstairs to get her water and I also got myself a glass too. I ran back up and she had finished, leaving the bowl on the floor. She was crying so I ran over and gave her the water.

J- Baby what's wrong?
E- I'm sorry..
J- Why, What is it?
E- I'm having you run after me, now taking a bowl full of puke into the toilet, that's fucking disgusting.. *crying*
J- Baby look at me..

She looked up from her hands..

J- I'm doing this because I love you ok? I'll happily run around after you and I don't care taking that bowl, as long as your ok..

She nodded and drank her water. I kissed her forehead and then took the bowl into the bathroom, dumping it down the toilet.. I walked back out and I grabbed my water, drinking that and getting in beside her..

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