Help me..

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E r i k a
I felt as though my throat was being ripped out.. it hurt so much. Her voice stayed with me, that's when I heard a scream..


It was Rocky. I knew it was. I looked up and everyone was gone. I stood from the ground and I walked over to the door. It was unlocked. I opened it, walking out. The door that lead into the room Jake was in, was also open. I walked in and I saw him on the ground, blood everywhere, covering him. I ran over screaming my lungs out, holding him up to me. I was screaming his name over and over again. I picked him up slightly and I hugged him while we sat up. He felt cold and lifeless. I then saw the door open. I looked up and I saw Rocky. She sprinted for me as I screamed, everything went black.

I heard Jakes voice..

J- Erika! Erika please!

He was crying. I opened my eyes and there he was. He had tears falling down his cheeks and his face was red. He picked me up, sitting me against the wall as I was laying down. He hugged me tight and I hugged him back. I looked around and the doctor looked at me, nodded and smiled. Jake had pulled back and he kissed me. His hands on my cheeks and he looked me in the eyes. Everything played back in my head and a tear fell. After that, more continued to fall down my cheeks. I was balling my eyes out while Jake hugged me tight. I heard footsteps come over and me and Jake looked up, it was the doctor.

Dr- Come on now

He walked out and Jake picked me up. I had my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. We walked out and followed him back into the first room, so the one Jakes was in. He put me on my feet, but we still held each other close.

Dr- Erika, are you comfortable to tell me, Jake and these other specialists what you saw?

I closed my eyes and everything easily came back. I told them everything..

E- Then I came in here and I saw Jake on the ground.. blood was covering him and I grabbed him, holding him while I was screaming.. she then came through the door and sprinted at me, then everything went black and I opened my eyes to see Jake...

He kissed my forehead while I had tears running down my face.

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