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E r i k a
My head was on Jakes shoulder as I cried a little. We pulled back and kissed. Everyone cheered and more music came on. We all danced and I saw everyone have an amazing time. It was getting a little over whelming, so me and Jake went to sit down..

J- I love you so much
E- I love you too, and also, you've told me about 20 million times *giggles*
J- I just don't want you to forget that *smiles*

I scooted my chair closer to Jake, my head resting on his shoulder and his arm around me. We had a few drinks and then we got to cut the cake. Everyone had their phones out while Jake was behind me. Our hands together as the knife slid down it. Everyone cheered and clapped. I looked up and me and Jake kissed. The cake was cut and everyone got a slice. Jakes cousins were so cute. Their names were Sammy and Willow. They talked with me a lot of the time and I can't be mad, they're adorable. They kept saying how pretty my dress was, making me smile..

S- It's so pwetty
W- I like it
E- Thank you, your dresses are gorgeous

They smiled and we talked a lot more. We got up and us three went and danced. Jake came over and played with them. They were laughing their heads off and I put my hand on his shoulder. He looked at me and smiled. He kissed me and I wrapped my arms around his neck, his hands resting on my waist.

S+W- Ewww

I heard them run away and I pulled back, my head on Jakes shoulder, laughing my head off. I looked back at him and our heads rested together as more slow songs continued. Everyone began leaving and then me and Jake did too..

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