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She was bleeding, her arms were cut, she was crying, covered in dirt, hair was messy, she looked beaten up.

J- Holy shit

I pulled her into a hug and she cried onto my chest. I closed the door and we walked into the living room.

E- Lauren?
L- Hey..

She sat down on the chair in front of me and Erika..

J- What happened?
L- Me and Adam were in the car.. and we were singing like we always do, but he didn't look ahead in time and we flipped.. *crying*


L- We got out but he was unconscious.. an ambulance took him and they told me to get family and friends informed.. could you guys come to the hospital..
J- Erika-
E- I'm going.. just help me get dressed
J- *sighs* We'll be back in 5 minutes
L- Thank you.. *crying*

We hugged her and I helped Erika up. I had her go up the stairs by herself. She wasn't balancing very well, but she was doing it. We went into the closet, skipping a shower because we had to go, and I helped Erika put on some leggings and an oversized hoodie. I got her shoes on and we went downstairs. I put my shoes on and we all went out into the car, getting in and driving to the hospital.

When we arrived, we got out and walked in, heading into the waiting room where Lauren said everyone else was. Everyone was here and was really upset. Me and Erika sat down, her on my lap. She rested her head on my chest and all the memories came back. When she ran into the waiting room, crying and breathing heavy, then had the wound on her collarbone. I could tell Erika was scared a little too seen as she was holding me really tight. I rubbed her thigh and she wrapped her arms around my neck, I knew she was trying not to cry.

Dr- Anyone else still to see Adam?

Me and Erika were the only ones, so we went to his room. We walked in after taking a deep breath and we walked over, sitting in the chairs next to him. His face was scratched, he had lots of stitches and his arm was having to be put on one of the arm rests that raise it up. He was asleep so we didn't talk to him, just made sure he was ok..

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