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E r i k a
Blake was taken out of the room and was taken to another. Everyone left our room, so it was just me and Jake. We looked at each other, my arms around his neck and his on my waist. Our heads leant together and he moved his hands to my hips.

E- Can I Tell you something?
J- Of course, you don't have to ask *smiles*
E- *bites lip* I really wanna make out with you but it's not really the right time *giggles*
J- There is no wrong time

His hands moved to my ass and we both smiled. I kissed him and he kissed back. He immediately bit my bottom lip for entrance and I obviously accepted. He slid his tongue in my mouth and I smiled as we began to make out. It was getting more heated than we both intended. He picked me up and sat me on the desk. His hands moving up my shirt and mine going up his to his abs. I was wearing shorts seen as I didn't have time to change when we left the house, so Jakes hands slid up them, squeezing my ass. I softly moaned, but as quiet as possible. He moved his hands to my thighs and rubbed up and down. My hands were getting tangled in his hair and I was pulling him even closer, that's when we heard another voice..

?- Getting bored I see..

We immediately pulled back and saw the doctor. We looked at each other with wide eyes.

J- We-
Dr- *chuckles* It's fine, we make mistakes, follow me

He walked out and me and Jake looked at each other.

J+E- Mistakes?

I just got off and Jake had his hand on my waist, we walked out and saw the doctor in another room. We walked in and there was really nothing in here, all but a few weird scientific looking things, a table and a chair. We were told to sit on the chair, I sat on Jakes lap and the doctor sat on the table. Wouldn't it have just been- whatever.

Dr- We found out what Blake did to Rocky
E- Yeah?
Dr- He had used a substance that we cannot name for legal reasons, but basically what it did, was it released a chemical in her body to kill a part of her soul, releasing it and it was of course, evil.. that evil part of her soul took over her, leaving the other healthy, alive part of it to be in Erika's thoughts, along with a part of the evilness obviously
J- Holy shit
Dr- If you guys could let us know where Rocky is that would be great and we could get this sorted immediately
E- She'll be with Anthony probably
Dr- Who's Anthony?
J- Her boyfriend..
Dr- He'll need to come too, just for checks
E- They'll be at Anthony's, when Rocky was ok, she told me that they never go to hers because her siblings..
Dr- Thank you guys, you can go back to making out now

We looked at each other and giggled/chuckled.

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