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E r i k a
Friends could now all go in and see them, but I wanted to go last, seen as I was with them while they got hurt. First I went and saw Lauren.

E- Lauren?
L- Hm?
E- Hey

I walked up, tears building in my eyes.

L- Oh, Hey Erika..
E- I'm sorry.. so so sorry..
L- No.. thank you
E- What?
L- I understand how hard it was being in a relationship like that and then helping me and Rocky.. your amazing Rik
E- *smiles* *tear falls*
L- You literally jumped on his back!
E- *laughs*
L- Besties?
E- 100%

We both laughed and then hugged. Lauren was to get checked back up on by the doctors so I went and saw Rocky. I walked in after knocking and she looked at me without an expression. I closed the door and walked over, sitting in the chair next to her.

E- Hey Rocky, I'm so so sorry.. I tried my-
R- You did nothing but make it worse
E- I-
R- No, if you hadn't of jumped on his back or tried to get the knife, I probably wouldn't be in this situation
E- Rocky I said I was sorry-
R- That doesn't cut it, you could've killed me!
E- I ran and got Jake, Anthony and Adam, I did as much as I could Rock-
R- Not enough at the time.. I was scared out of my god damn mind.. Lauren is the same.. we got to see each other before you came in and she hates you.. I hate you.. we all hate you..
E- ...
R- Even Jake hates you..
E- Stop! Just stop! Jake doesn't hate me!
R- Yes he does
E- No! He doesn't!

She grabbed my by my neck and outfit no where she pulled out a knife. I've been in this position plenty of times, so I know what to get out. I trick her, causing her to still cut me, but only on my collarbone. I got out of her embrace and I backed away from her.

R- You won't get away from me that easy

Her legs moved off of the bed and she got up. I ran out, running to the waiting room, balling my eyes out and breathing heavy. Everyone looked over and Jake sprinted over as I collapsed to the ground. He hugged me and I cried into his chest.

E- I didn't mean it, I didn't.. *crying*

Jake hugged me and everyone surround me, comforting me. When we pulled back, Jake looked at his shirt. He started to panic and then he looked at me, he moved my shirt and tears built up in his eyes. He hugged me tight and we were both crying now. I didn't notice how bad the cut got, but all I knew was that I was loosing a lot of blood. I started feeling light headed and I couldn't do it.. I blacked out..

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